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First aired

Saturday, May 22, 1965

Production Code


Written by

Terry Nation

Directed by

Richard Martin


150 minutes

Time Travel

Past, Present, Future

Inventory (Potential Spoilers!)

TARDIS magnet, Time-Space Visualiser


The travellers learn from the Time-Space Visualiser (taken from the Moroks' museum) that Daleks, equipped with their own time machine, are on their trail with orders to exterminate them. They flee in the TARDIS and The Chase begins...

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6 Episodes

The Executioners

First aired

Saturday, May 22, 1965


25 minutes

Written by

Terry Nation

Directed by

Richard Martin

UK Viewers

10 million

Appreciation Index



The Daleks pursue The Doctor through time and space, with the intentions of exterminating him. Places they land include the Mary Celeste, a haunted house and the empire state building.

The Death of Time

First aired

Saturday, May 29, 1965


25 minutes

Written by

Terry Nation

Directed by

Richard Martin

UK Viewers

9.5 million

Appreciation Index



While Ian and Vicki are threatened by a Mire Beast, the Doctor and Barbara meet up with the Aridians...who are then ordered to hand them over to the Daleks.

Flight Through Eternity

First aired

Saturday, June 5, 1965


25 minutes

Written by

Terry Nation

Directed by

Richard Martin

UK Viewers

9 million

Appreciation Index



The TARDIS crew's attempts to escape from the Daleks take them to the top of the Empire State Building and a 19th century sailing ship.

Journey into Terror

First aired

Saturday, June 12, 1965


25 minutes

Written by

Terry Nation

Directed by

Richard Martin

UK Viewers

9.5 million

Appreciation Index



The TARDIS lands in a haunted house where the Doctor and his friends are confronted by Dracula and Frankenstein's Monster...and then the Daleks appear.

The Death of Doctor Who

First aired

Saturday, June 19, 1965


25 minutes

Written by

Terry Nation

Directed by

Richard Martin

UK Viewers

9 million

Appreciation Index



With Vicki trapped on board the Dalek time machine, the Doctor, Ian and Barbara decide to make their stand on the planet Mechanus.

The Planet of Decision

First aired

Saturday, June 26, 1965


25 minutes

Written by

Terry Nation

Directed by

Richard Martin

UK Viewers

9.5 million

Appreciation Index



The Doctor and his friends are taken into the Mechanoid City but their troubles are far from over...especially when the Daleks launch an attack.


How to watch The Chase:


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15 reviews

i loveee serials set across time theyre soo fun!! some great little comedy vingettes really, with the reveal of the mary celeste and the monster house just being an ordinary house of horrors where the doc and ian tried to come up with a super scifi explanation. all the empire state building stuff was fun. and the daleks are always nice to see! and it was such a sweet and lovely ending to barbara and ians story, with them getting a little epilogue and then you find out the doctor was watching them! i like to imagine he often does from time to time. i love ones era for having epilogues and tardis opening and endings so much more often!! and with multiple parts the serial is way more fast paced and engaging


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This is pretty much a funny Dalek wild-goose chase, but the departure of #BarbarIan is pretty much the earliest chronological plot point of this show that has made me cry.


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I like it. It does feel at times like a parody
(Purves poor american Accent, the fact he plays a different guy just a few episodes apart, the whole part with the daleks in the monster house or on that boat etc). But while it feels like a parody, I feel like our leads still feel very much taken seriously (for the most time). The changing in location and the much more “fluffy” feel makes this one quite easy to watch, yet it does have its problem, because it’s part of Doctor Who and not just a parody series. Personally I enjoy it, since I view it much more as a parody for the most part and as parody? Hell yeah, amazing stuff! As a serious entry for the Daleks Serial? Ehh…
I am kinda surprised seeing so many dislike it but I can’t blame many for that, the Story very much offers some good stuff yet the tone feels a bit wrong for the Daleks. Part of me wonders if the Mechanoids taken the place of the Daleks in that Story, if it had worked better

The Directing can be quite wonky at times, but overall this is one of those stories where I change my mind often if I like it or not. A very flawed Story, but with a stunning ending, I just can say… LONDON 1965!!!


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The Chase is just a lot of fun

I think Vicki really gets a chance to shine here, so does William Hartnell as his evil robot self. I'll miss Barbara and Ian, but their departure was really well done


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“London 1965 !”


The Chase est une course sacrément folle. 

Maintenant que tout est possible, tout ce que l’univers compte de champignons géants, de trucs à tentacules, ou de monstres de foire, poutre joyeusement du Dalek !

Mais c’est aussi tellement foisonnant d’idées, de concepts, de moments d’anthologie, que c’est pas seulement imprévisible, c’est souvent brillant. 

Puis il y a la fin toute douce. Certes deux des compagnons les plus importants s’en vont … 

Mais on se rend compte avec eux du sacré voyage qu’on vient de vivre. 


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AVG. Rating463 members
3.73 / 5

AVG. Rating646 votes
3.60 / 5

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(Morton slaps the Doctor on the back)

MORTON: Hot diggety! I knew I was right. You should be wearing Police uniforms, you all is, you all is in a chase.

DOCTOR: Chase? Yes, as a matter of fact, young man, that's exactly what this is. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must be getting along. It's the chase, you know?

MORTON: Sure thing, Mister! I understand. Just wait til I tell the folks back home I met some real live movie pe- (knocks on TARDIS door) Do you know Cheyenne Bodie? Look, just wait a minute, I want to get this thing on celluloid.

(The TARDIS dematerialises)

MORTON: That's real clever, how they done that. Sure if it don't beat all.

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Transcript Needs checking

Episode One - The Executioners

[Control room]

DALEK 1: Our greatest enemies have left the planet Xeros. They are once again in time and space.
DALEK 2 [OC]: They cannot escape! Our time machine will soon follow them. They will be exterminated! Exterminated! Exterminated!


(The Doctor is working on a large circular device with a television screen in the middle)

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