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Classic Who S2 • Serial 1 · (3 episodes)

Planet of Giants

68% 900 votes

First aired Saturday, October 31, 1964
Production Code J
Written by Louis Marks
Runtime 75 minutes
Time Travel Present
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Environmental Message Miniaturisation
Locations Earth England

The doors of the TARDIS open of their own accord just before it materialises, running out of control. On emerging, the travellers find the ship has been reduced in size and they are now only about an inch tall.

As tiny people, they stumble across a plot by a ruthless businessman, Forester, and his misguided scientist colleague, Smithers, to launch a new insecticide, DN6 — a product so destructive that it would kill not only those insects harmful to agriculture but also those vital to it.

3 Episodes:

First aired Saturday, October 31, 1964
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Louis Marks
Directed by Mervyn Pinfield
UK Viewers 8.4 million
Appreciation Index 57


When the TARDIS malfunctions and the doors open in the time vortex, the travellers and their Ship shrink to the size of insects. When they arrive on Earth, they uncover a murderous plot involving a new insecticide - but how can they stop the crime in their miniaturised condition ? (Originally broadcast in three parts.)

First aired Saturday, November 7, 1964
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Louis Marks
Directed by Mervyn Pinfield
UK Viewers 8.4 million
Appreciation Index 58


Ian and Barbara are accidentally taken into Smithers' laboratory and, while the Doctor and Susan face a hazardous journey to reach them, they witness the deadly effects of DN6 first hand.

First aired Saturday, November 14, 1964
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Louis Marks
Directed by Douglas Camfield
UK Viewers 8.4 million
Appreciation Index 58


The Doctor and his friends face a race against time to expose Forrester's plans and return to normal size before Barbara succumbs to the effects of DN6.

Signal Strength: 30%

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