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The Diary of River Song

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The Diary of River Song 1

1. The Boundless Sea

Average. Rating: 49%

The Diary of River Song 1

2. I Went to a Marvellous Party

Average. Rating: 54%

The Diary of River Song 1

3. Signs

Average. Rating: 56%

The Diary of River Song 1

4. The Rulers of the Universe

Average. Rating: 57%

The Diary of River Song 2

1. The Unknown

Average. Rating: 58%

The Diary of River Song 2

2. Five Twenty-Nine

Average. Rating: 76%

The Diary of River Song 2

3. World Enough and Time

Average. Rating: 61%

The Diary of River Song 2

4. The Eye of the Storm

Average. Rating: 56%

The Diary of River Song 3

1. The Lady in the Lake

Average. Rating: 59%

The Diary of River Song 3

2. A Requiem for the Doctor

Average. Rating: 61%

The Diary of River Song 3

3. My Dinner with Andrew

Average. Rating: 71%

The Diary of River Song 3

4. The Furies

Average. Rating: 56%

The Diary of River Song 4

1. Time in a Bottle

Average. Rating: 51%

The Diary of River Song 4

2. Kings of Infinite Space

Average. Rating: 48%

The Diary of River Song 4

3. Whodunnit?

Average. Rating: 52%

The Diary of River Song 4

4. Someone I Once Knew

Average. Rating: 64%

The Diary of River Song 5

1. The Bekdel Test

Average. Rating: 70%

The Diary of River Song 5

2. Animal Instinct

Average. Rating: 55%

The Diary of River Song 5

3. The Lifeboat and the Deathboat

Average. Rating: 55%

The Diary of River Song 5

4. Concealed Weapon

Average. Rating: 55%

The Diary of River Song 6

1. An Unearthly Woman

Average. Rating: 55%

The Diary of River Song 6

2. The Web of Time

Average. Rating: 46%

The Diary of River Song 6

3. Peepshow

Average. Rating: 46%

The Diary of River Song 6

4. The Talents of Greel

Average. Rating: 61%