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Faction Paradox

The Faction Paradox series is a standalone collection of audio, prose, and comic stories set in and around the War in Heaven, introduced in Lawrence Miles’s 1997 Eighth Doctor novel Alien Bodies.

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Faction Paradox

1. The Eleven Day Empire

Average. Rating: 59%

Faction Paradox

2. The Shadow Play

Average. Rating: 62%

Faction Paradox

3. Sabbath Dei

Average. Rating: 63%

Faction Paradox

4. In the Year of the Cat

Average. Rating: 60%

Faction Paradox

5. Movers

Average. Rating: 57%

Faction Paradox

6. A Labyrinth of Histories

Average. Rating: 63%

Faction Paradox

1. Coming to Dust

Average. Rating: 61%

Faction Paradox

2. The Ship of a Billion Years

Average. Rating: 64%

Faction Paradox

3. Body Politic

Average. Rating: 59%

Faction Paradox

4. Words from Nine Divinities

Average. Rating: 59%

Faction Paradox

5. Ozymandias

Average. Rating: 57%

Faction Paradox

6. The Judgment of Sutekh

Average. Rating: 58%