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Classic Series - Special Releases

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1. Excelis Dawns

Average. Rating: 48%


2. Excelis Rising

Average. Rating: 46%


3. Excelis Decays

Average. Rating: 45%


4. The Plague Herds of Excelis

Average. Rating: 44%

Classic Series - Special Releases


Average. Rating: 59%

Classic Series - Special Releases

The Veiled Leopard

Average. Rating: 44%

Classic Series - Special Releases

The Four Doctors

Average. Rating: 48%

Classic Series - Special Releases

The Five Companions

Average. Rating: 46%

Classic Series - Special Releases

The Light at the End

Average. Rating: 66%

Philip Hinchcliffe Presents Volume 1

1. The Ghosts of Gralstead

Average. Rating: 73%

Philip Hinchcliffe Presents Volume 1

2. The Devil’s Armada

Average. Rating: 64%

Classic Doctors New Monsters 1

1. Fallen Angels

Average. Rating: 64%

Classic Doctors New Monsters 1

2. Judoon in Chains

Average. Rating: 63%

Classic Doctors New Monsters 1

3. Harvest of the Sycorax

Average. Rating: 44%

Classic Doctors New Monsters 1

4. The Sontaran Ordeal

Average. Rating: 56%

Philip Hinchcliffe Presents

The Helm of Awe

Average. Rating: 53%

Classic Doctors New Monsters 2

1. Night of the Vashta Nerada

Average. Rating: 68%

Classic Doctors New Monsters 2

2. Empire of the Racnoss

Average. Rating: 41%

Classic Doctors New Monsters 2

3. The Carrionite Curse

Average. Rating: 52%

Classic Doctors New Monsters 2

4. Day of the Vashta Nerada

Average. Rating: 58%

The Comic Strip Adaptations Volume 1

1. Doctor Who and the Iron Legion

Average. Rating: 53%

The Comic Strip Adaptations Volume 1

2. Doctor Who and the Star Beast

Average. Rating: 62%

The Legacy of Time

1. Lies in Ruins

Average. Rating: 69%

The Legacy of Time

2. The Split Infinitive

Average. Rating: 50%