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Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor

After Life

Average. Rating: 54%

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor

Revolutions of Terror

Average. Rating: 60%

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor

The Friendly Place

Average. Rating: 47%

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor

What He Wants…

Average. Rating: 48%

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor

The Arts in Space

Average. Rating: 52%

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor


Average. Rating: 71%

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor


Average. Rating: 49%

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor

The Sound of Our Voices

Average. Rating: 53%

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor

The Weeping Angels of Mons

Average. Rating: 70%

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor

The Swords of Kali

Average. Rating: 71%

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor

Space in Dimension Relative and Time

Average. Rating: 52%

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor

The Eternal Dogfight

Average. Rating: 45%

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor

The Infinite Astronaut

Average. Rating: 70%

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor

The Rise and Fall

Average. Rating: 70%

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor

The Fractures

Average. Rating: 72%

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor


Average. Rating: 50%

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor

The Other Doctor

Average. Rating: 70%

Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor

Weapons of Past Destruction

Average. Rating: 62%

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor

Four Dimensions

Average. Rating: 70%

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor

Laundro-Room of Doom

Average. Rating: 45%

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor

The Body Electric

Average. Rating: 72%

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor

Give Free or Die

Average. Rating: 70%

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor


Average. Rating: 70%

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor

The Fountains of Forever

Average. Rating: 54%