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Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor

Revolutions of Terror

76% 32 votes

Released Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Written by Nick Abadzis
Publisher Titan Comics
Colourist Arianna Florean
Pages 66
Time Travel Present

Gabriella Gonzalez is stuck in a dead-end job in her family's New York Laundromat, dreaming of college and bigger, better and brighter things.

So when a strange man with an even stranger big blue box barges into her life on the eve of the Day of the Dead celebrations - talking about an infestation of psychic aliens - she seizes her chance for adventure with both hands.

After Donna's tragic exit, the Doctor thought he was done with new companions. But Gabby Gonzalez is going to prove him wrong... if she survives the night!

Signal Strength: 60%

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Also featuring:

Cindy Wu  Trinity Wells  Cerebravores