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The Seventh Doctor Adventures

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The Seventh Doctor Adventures

Last of the Titans

Average. Rating: 43%

The Seventh Doctor Adventures

Return of the Daleks

Average. Rating: 62%

The Seventh Doctor Adventures

UNIT Dominion

Average. Rating: 66%

The Seventh Doctor New Adventures Volume 1

1. The Trial of a Time Machine

Average. Rating: 53%

The Seventh Doctor New Adventures Volume 1

2. Vanguard

Average. Rating: 47%

The Seventh Doctor New Adventures Volume 1

3. The Jabari Countdown

Average. Rating: 69%

The Seventh Doctor New Adventures Volume 1

4. The Dread of Night

Average. Rating: 72%

Silver and Ice

1. Bad Day in Tinseltown

Average. Rating: 35%

Silver and Ice

2. The Ribos Inheritance

Average. Rating: 50%

Sullivan and Cross – AWOL

1. London Orbital

Average. Rating: 50%

Sullivan and Cross – AWOL

2. Scream of the Daleks

Average. Rating: 46%

Far From Home

1. Operation Dusk

Average. Rating: 53%

Far From Home

2. Naomi’s Ark

Average. Rating: 57%

The Seventh Doctor Adventures

The Last Day Part One

Average. Rating: 47%

The Seventh Doctor Adventures: The Last Day Part Two

The Last Day Part Two

Average. Rating: 45%