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Iris Wildthyme

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Iris Wildthyme S1

1. Wildthyme at Large

Average. Rating: 66%

Iris Wildthyme S1

2. The Devil in Ms Wildthyme

Average. Rating: 60%

Iris Wildthyme S2

1. The Sound of Fear

Average. Rating: 57%

Iris Wildthyme S2

2. The Land of Wonder

Average. Rating: 52%

Iris Wildthyme S2

3. The Two Irises

Average. Rating: 63%

Iris Wildthyme S2

4. The Panda Invasion

Average. Rating: 67%

Iris Wildthyme S2

X. Iris Wildthyme and the Claws of Santa

Average. Rating: 63%

Iris Wildthyme S3

1. The Iris Wildthyme Appreciation Society

Average. Rating: 61%

Iris Wildthyme S3

2. Iris Rides Out

Average. Rating: 59%

Iris Wildthyme S3

3. Midwinter Murders

Average. Rating: 55%

Iris Wildthyme S4

1. Whatever Happened to Iris Wildthyme?

Average. Rating: 52%

Iris Wildthyme S4

2. Iris at the Oche

Average. Rating: 48%

Iris Wildthyme S4

3. A Lift in Time

Average. Rating: 51%

Iris Wildthyme: Wildthyme Reloaded

1. Comeback of the Scorchies

Average. Rating: 54%

Iris Wildthyme: Wildthyme Reloaded

2. Dark Side

Average. Rating: 42%

Iris Wildthyme: Wildthyme Reloaded

3. Oracle of the Supermarket

Average. Rating: 50%

Iris Wildthyme: Wildthyme Reloaded

4. Murder at the Abbey

Average. Rating: 48%

Iris Wildthyme: Wildthyme Reloaded

5. The Slots of Giza

Average. Rating: 50%

Iris Wildthyme: Wildthyme Reloaded

6. High Spirits

Average. Rating: 45%

Iris Wildthyme: Wildthyme Reloaded

7. An Extraterrestrial Werewolf in Belgium

Average. Rating: 49%

Iris Wildthyme: Wildthyme Reloaded

8. Looking for a Friend

Average. Rating: 72%

Iris Wildthyme and Friends

X1. Fellowship of Ink

Iris Wildthyme and Friends

X2. 666 Charing Cross Road

Iris Wildthyme and Friends

1. Enter Wildthyme

Average. Rating: 43%