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Stories set in Ancient Civilisations

Written by: deltaandthebannermen

3rd April 2024 · 5 minute read

Many of the Doctor’s travels in time and space have seen him visit the vibrant worlds and cultures of various ancient civilisations. Greece, Egypt and China have all given birth to language, music, technology and art which still fascinates us today. Is it any wonder, therefore, that the Doctor has discovered that often these distinctive lands have been visited by many alien races, influencing, manipulating and even creating the histories that we know today.

Ancient Greece

Many of the Doctor’s travels – and those of his friends – have found them experiencing life in Ancient Greece. Whether it’s rubbing shoulders with famous philosophers and leaders, battling Titans and Gods or stopping the meddling of other time travellers, Greece is a fascinating place to join the Doctor for his adventures.

1500 BC – The Slitheen Excursion:

The Tenth Doctor and temporary companion, June, discover Slitheen travel agents selling aliens trips to Ancient Greece.

c1500 BC – The Time Monster: 

The final two episodes of this Season 9 Third Doctor story takes the Doctor, Jo and the Master to the fabled city of Atlantis to face the Chronovore, Kronos.

1503 BC – Bernice Summerfield – Epoch:

Atlantis features again in this box set featuring everyone’s favourite time-travelling archaeologist, Professor Bernice Surprise Summerfield who, after events at the end of the previous season of releases, finds herself alone and confused in the fabled city.

1184 BC – The Myth Makers:

The First Doctor, Steven and Vicki arrive on the outskirts of Troy and find themselves on opposite sides of a war between the Trojans and the Greeks. With the Doctor mistaken for Zeus, Vicki for a prophet and Steven for a warrior, it will take all their wits to survive the imminent sacking of Troy intact.

430 BC – Bernice Summerfield – The Oracle of Delphi:

Benny joins forces with Socrates to investigate the disappearance of her husband, Jason, a cult of women and get away from Greece before a plague comes to Athens.

421 BC – Mask of Tragedy: 

The Seventh Doctor, Ace and Hector also face plague and the Spartan threat  in Athens when the Doctor takes them to visit the theatre and meet the comedian Aristophanes.

Ancient Egypt

The playground of the Osirians, the true Egyptian gods and goddesses, Egypt has provided a fertile land for thrilling Doctor Who stories.

c5000 BC – Ozymandias & The Judgement of Sutekh:

These two final instalments from Magic Bullet’s excellent Faction Paradox range delve into the history of the Osirians and their war across worlds including Egypt, Mars and the Osirian Court. These stories tell the story of the battle between Sutekh and Horus and how Faction Paradox seek to disrupt history. Gabriel Woolf returns as Sutekh with Edward de Souza playing his father Geb. The previous instalments of this audio series also feature Julian Glover, Peter Halliday and Philip Madoc.

1400 BC – The Eye of the Scorpion: 

The Fifth Doctor and Peri arrive in Egypt and soon become embroiled in the court politics and alien interference surrounding long-forgotten Pharaoh-in-waiting, Erimem, who then goes on to step aboard the TARDIS.

Ancient Babylon

The mystery of the great city of Babylon can be explored in a small selection of stories.

570 BC – Bernice Summerfield – Walking to Babylon:

Bernice follows her errant husband (again) to Ancient Babylon to prevent the powerful People from destroying the city.

323 BC – Farewell, Great Macedon: 

One on of the fabled Lost Stories, Farewell, Great Macedon features the First Doctor, Susan, Ian and Barbara, spending time in the company of Alexander the Great in a story which echoes Marco Polo, The Aztecs and The Crusade. A stunning audio story with musings on religion, history and death.  One of Big Finish’s greatest.

Ancient China

c210 BC – The Emperor of Eternity:

A Companion Chronicle featuring Frazer Hines as Jamie and Deborah Watling as Victoria, finds the Second Doctor in Ancient China and a prisoner of the famed Emperor Qin Shi Huang.

Ancient Traken

c1000 BC – Primeval:

The Fifth Doctor and Nyssa travel back to the earliest days of Traken civilisation, thousands of years before the Source was created and find the planet at the mercy of a malevolent alien called Kwundaar.  

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Written by: deltaandthebannermen