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Time Travel
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Doctor Who Season One • Episode 1

Space Babies

Average. Rating: 52%

Sontarans vs Rutans

3. Born to Die

Average. Rating: 59%

The Phaser Aliens & Other Stories

The Time Savers

The Third Doctor Adventures

Revolution in Space

Average. Rating: 47%

Classic Who S15 (Minisode)

The Final Battle

Average. Rating: 69%

Sontarans vs Rutans

1. The Battle of Giant’s Causeway

Average. Rating: 63%

BBC Audio Originals

Escape the Daleks!

Doctor Who Escape the Daleks
Average. Rating: 49%

Doctor Who Magazine Comics


Average. Rating: 39%

The Revenge of Wormwood

2. The Star-Crossed Diversion

Average. Rating: 54%

Torchwood Main Range

78. Oracle

Average. Rating: 54%

Target Collection

Wild Blue Yonder

Average. Rating: 54%

60th Anniversary Specials • Episode 2

Wild Blue Yonder

Average. Rating: 84%

60th Anniversary Specials

The Daleks in Colour

Average. Rating: 52%

Defender of the Earth

4. The Siege of Shackleton

Average. Rating: 31%

The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Audacity

3. The Great Cyber-War Part 2

Average. Rating: 66%

The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Audacity

2. The Great Cyber-War Part 1

Average. Rating: 66%

Tales of the TARDIS • Episode 3

Vengeance on Varos (TOTT version)

Average. Rating: 41%

Tales of the TARDIS • Episode 1

Earthshock (TOTT version)

Average. Rating: 56%

BBC Books

The Evil of the Daleks

Average. Rating: 72%

Torchwood Main Range

76. Odyssey

Average. Rating: 57%

Purity Unbound

3. The Wrong Side of History

Average. Rating: 50%

The Diary of River Song 12

3. Dead Man Talking

Average. Rating: 61%

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 10

1. Below There

Average. Rating: 62%

Target Collection

The Waters of Mars

Average. Rating: 81%