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Time Travel
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The Lost Stories

Operation Werewolf

Average. Rating: 46%

BBC Audio Originals

Dark Contract

Torchwood Main Range

84. The Restoration of Catherine

Average. Rating: 56%

Tales of the TARDIS • Episode 7

Pyramids of Mars (TOTT version)

Average. Rating: 61%

New Series Adventures

Ruby Red

Average. Rating: 60%

Doctor Who Season One • Episode 6


Average. Rating: 75%

Torchwood Main Range

83. Disco

Average. Rating: 75%

Doctor Who Season One • Episode 2

The Devil’s Chord

Average. Rating: 68%

Doctor Who Season One • Episode 1

Space Babies

Average. Rating: 52%

Free Comic Book Day

Untitled Free Comic Book Day 2024 Story

Average. Rating: 55%

BBC Audio Originals

The Demons Within

Average. Rating: 51%

Trespassers 2

2. Pater Noster

Average. Rating: 42%

Trespassers 2

1. Anne of a Thousand Light Years

Average. Rating: 42%

The Dream Team

1. The Merfolk Murders

Average. Rating: 66%

The Quin Dilemma

2. Escape from Holy Island

Average. Rating: 52%

Broken Memories

2. The Queen of Clocks

Average. Rating: 71%

BBC Audio Originals

River of Death

Average. Rating: 49%

The Phaser Aliens & Other Stories

The Phaser Aliens

The Ninth Doctor Adventures: Buried Threats

1. A Theatre of Cruelty

Average. Rating: 50%

Victory of the Doctor

3. The Last Stand of Miss Valarie Lockwood

Average. Rating: 81%

BBC Books

The Church on Ruby Road

Average. Rating: 75%

Sontarans vs Rutans

1. The Battle of Giant’s Causeway

Average. Rating: 63%

Doctor Who Specials • Christmas Special

The Church on Ruby Road

Average. Rating: 69%