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Evil Vegetation

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Classic Who S1 • Serial 5 · (6 episodes)

The Keys of Marinus

Average. Rating: 63%

Classic Who S2 • Serial 8 · (6 episodes)

The Chase

Average. Rating: 68%

Classic Who S3 • Serial 2 · (0/1 episode intact)

Mission to the Unknown

Average. Rating: 59%

Classic Who S5 • Serial 6 · (0/6 episodes intact)

Fury from the Deep

Average. Rating: 66%

Classic Who S6 • Serial 5 · (6 episodes)

The Seeds of Death

Average. Rating: 64%

Classic Who S13 • Serial 6 · (6 episodes)

The Seeds of Doom

Average. Rating: 77%

Target Collection

Doctor Who and the Seeds of Doom

Average. Rating: 69%

Classic Who S17 • Serial 3 · (4 episodes)

The Creature from the Pit

Average. Rating: 52%

Target Collection

Doctor Who and the Keys of Marinus

Average. Rating: 63%

Classic Who S18 • Serial 2 · (4 episodes)


Average. Rating: 50%

Target Collection

Doctor Who and the Creature from the Pit

Average. Rating: 64%

Target Collection


Average. Rating: 57%

Target Collection

Fury from the Deep

Average. Rating: 70%

Target Collection

The Seeds of Death

Average. Rating: 65%

Target Collection

Mission to the Unknown

Average. Rating: 73%

BBC Books

Frontier Worlds

Average. Rating: 61%

Doctor Who Adventures

Green Fingers

Main Range

102a. The Mind’s Eye

Average. Rating: 48%

Battles in Time

37. Blooms of Doom!

Doctor Who Adventures


Main Range

114. Brotherhood of the Daleks

Average. Rating: 55%

The Eighth Doctor Adventures S3

2. Hothouse

Average. Rating: 49%

BBC New Series Adventures

The Day of the Troll

Average. Rating: 72%

Doctor Who Adventures

Borrowed Time