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Classic Who S13 • Serial 6 · (6 episodes)

The Seeds of Doom

82% 778 votes

First aired Saturday, January 31, 1976
Production Code 4L
Directed by Douglas Camfield
Runtime 150 minutes
Story Type Series Finale
Time Travel Present
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Evil Vegetation

When scientists in the Antarctic uncover a mysterious seed pod, the Doctor is called in to investigate. He soon realises it is extraterrestrial and extremely dangerous. At the same time, however, ruthless millionaire plant-lover Harrison Chase has learned of the find and decides he must have the pod for his collection of rare and beautiful flora. Meanwhile the pod itself harbours intelligent life with sinister plans of its own...

6 Episodes:

First aired Saturday, January 31, 1976
Runtime 25 minutes
Directed by Douglas Camfield
UK Viewers 11.4 million
Appreciation Index 59


The Antarctic, the near future. A strange seed-pod is unearthed from 20-thousand-year-old ice. The Doctor and Sarah go to investigate, but are too late to prevent the pod infecting a scientist and unleashing a threat to all animal life on Earth...

First aired Saturday, February 7, 1976
Runtime 25 minutes
Directed by Douglas Camfield
UK Viewers 11.4 million


Two employees of the millionaire Harrison Chase arrive at the Antarctic base, and they will stop at nothing to get hold of the second seed-pod.

First aired Saturday, February 14, 1976
Runtime 25 minutes
Directed by Douglas Camfield
UK Viewers 10.3 million


The Doctor and Sarah Jane return to England after their Antarctic ordeal and Chase tries to eliminate them, but they escape and track him down at his estate, where he is preparing to open the Krynoid pod.

First aired Saturday, February 21, 1976
Runtime 25 minutes
Directed by Douglas Camfield
UK Viewers 11.1 million


The Doctor is captured by Chase, who plans to breed the stolen Krynoid pod. He is placed in an automated compost hopper and only Sarah Jane can save him... but will she make it before the Krynoid grows to fruition ?

First aired Saturday, February 28, 1976
Runtime 25 minutes
Directed by Douglas Camfield
UK Viewers 9.9 million


The Krynoid grows to a monstrous size and traps the Doctor and the others in a cottage. The creature demands they turn over the Doctor, while Chase seeks to make an alliance with the alien vegetation.

First aired Saturday, March 6, 1976
Runtime 25 minutes
Directed by Douglas Camfield
UK Viewers 11.5 million


The Doctor, Sarah Jane, and Scorby are trapped in the manor as a possessed Chase stalks them from within, while the gigantic Krynoid prepares to crush them from without. Worse, the alien plant is ready to germinate, spreading its seeds across England.

Signal Strength: 30%

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Also featuring:

UNIT  Krynoids