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Target Collection

Doctor Who and the Keys of Marinus

68% 401 votes

Released Thursday, August 21, 1980
Written by Philip Hinchcliffe
Pages 128
Time Travel Present Future Unclear
Inventory: (Potential Spoilers!) Travel Dials
Locations Marinus

MARINUS a remote force-shielded island set in a sea of acid, governed by

THE CONSCIENCE the ultimate computer which rules and balances the gentle life of Marinus, guarded by

ARBITAN THE KEEPER ruthless protector of a peace-loving race threatened by

YARTEK Warlord of the brutal sub-human Voords, sworn enemy of Arbitan and of Marinus, who has within his grasp

THE KEYS OF MARINUS the Conscience's vital micro-circuits, the doors of good and evil.

Can the Doctor find the hidden circuits in time? Arbitan's command was 'Find them, OR DIE!'

Signal Strength: 40%

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Also featuring:

Voord  Brains of Morphoton