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VICKI: That was no risk! I noted, observed, collated, concluded... and then I threw the rock

— Vicki Pallister, Galaxy 4

POLLY: The thing is, it is our world.

DOCTOR: Yes, I know. You're lucky, I never got back to mine.

DOCTOR: Do I look strange or bizarre?

JAMIE: Aye. Well maybe I'm just used to you.

DOCTOR: If you want the human factor, part of it must include mercy

— The Doctor, The Evil of the Daleks

DOCTOR: Oh Jamie, don't touch that control!

JAMIE: I already have.

DOCTOR: Now Jamie. Run. Run! I know what I'm doing. I hope.

— The Doctor, The Abominable Snowmen

CLENT: You've worked with computers, I presume?

DOCTOR: Only when I have to.

JAMIE: How will I know I've got the right one?

DOCTOR: You'll soon know if you haven't got the right one, won't you.

JAMIE: Anyway, as you know the TARDIS has a mind of its own. You know you can’t control it.

DOCTOR: Can’t control it?


DOCTOR: We’ll see about that.

VICTORIA: Doctor, why is it that we always land up in trouble?

DOCTOR: Well, Victoria, it's the spice of life, my dear.

DOCTOR: Are there any ordinary circumstances in space?

— Second Doctor, The Wheel in Space

DOCTOR: Compassion, it's rude to criticise your host's planetary tectonics.

— Eighth Doctor, Coldheart

NARRATION: The Doctor had looked after Fitz - had thought he was looking after Fitz for years now. Fitz might not be the real Fitz anymore, but that was irrelevant. He had a purpose in life now. He was going to look after the Doctor. Whatever it took.

— Fitz Kreiner, EarthWorld

DOCTOR: Mm. I remember a place where the night sky was burnt orange and the tree leaves were silver. Beautiful. I would lie on the hillside gazing at the stars and putting the world to rights.

— Eighth Doctor, EarthWorld

DOCTOR: I'd say it should take me about... ohhh... three thousand years. Less, if I could find a way of stopping myself getting distracted.

SCARLETTE: Three thousand years. To become a creature of pure light.

DOCTOR: I'm trying to decide whether it'd be worth the bother.

On one occasion, Fitz even claimed it had its own opera house, although the Doctor quickly added that he'd only picked that up by accident, having intended to deliver it somewhere before forgetting all about it.

How come you're allowed to cheat death, but everyone else has to play by the rules? You're supposed to have forged a link with Earth, with humanity, yet you still look down from your immortal status and tell us when we can and can't die.

— Anji Kapoor, Hope

"I'm the Doctor. This is my friend Anji, and the man yelping in pain is Fitz."

— Anji Kapoor, Anachrophobia

GREEN: Look, John Frobisher's a good man. And better than that, he's expendable. So, what do you say?

— John Frobisher, Day Three

Dear Sir,

I note your suggestion to 'give her her head for a while', an expression which I can see is related to loosening a horse's reins. While fully appreciating your proposal, I would like to propose an alternative course of action, which is STOP HER STOP HER NOW WHATEVER SHE'S DOING PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU. I would also like to casually mention another Earth saying about horses, namely: 'There's no point shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted,' and to make it extra clear I will point out that by 'horse' I mean 'Missy', and by 'bolted' I mean 'destroyed this entire planet'.

Yours pleadingly,


- Nah, she's not going to do that. Don't panic. D

SANTINI: I'm sorry. They brought me in as an expert, but I don't know what the hell this is.