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First aired

Saturday, September 11, 1965

Production Code


Written by

William Emms

Directed by

Derek Martinus


100 minutes

Time Travel


Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)

Misunderstood Monster, Robots, Spaceship

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Galaxy 4


The Doctor, Vicki and Steven arrive on an arid planet where they meet the beautiful Drahvins and the hideous Rills. Each has crash-landed after a confrontation in space. The Rills are friendly, compassionate explorers. The Drahvins are dull-witted, cloned soldiers, terrorised by the intelligent, warlike matriarch Maaga.

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4 Episodes

Four Hundred Dawns  Missing

First aired

Saturday, September 11, 1965


25 minutes

Written by

William Emms

Directed by

Derek Martinus

UK Viewers

9 million

Appreciation Index



After an encounter with a hostile robot called a Chumblie, the Doctor and his companions are rescued by a group of female Drahvins.

Trap of Steel  Missing

First aired

Saturday, September 18, 1965


25 minutes

Written by

William Emms

Directed by

Derek Martinus

UK Viewers

9.5 million

Appreciation Index



With the knowledge that the planet will be destroyed in two days, the Drahvins instruct the Doctor to help them steal the Rills' ship.

Air Lock

First aired

Saturday, September 25, 1965


25 minutes

Written by

William Emms

Directed by

Derek Martinus

UK Viewers

11.3 million

Appreciation Index



The Doctor and Vicki encounter the Rills and learn the situation is more complex than they thought while Steven finds the Drahvins' hospitality ever more perilous.

The Exploding Planet  Missing

First aired

Saturday, October 2, 1965


25 minutes

Written by

William Emms

Directed by

Derek Martinus

UK Viewers

9.9 million

Appreciation Index



The Doctor and Vicki enlist the aid of the Chumblies to rescue Steven from the Drahvins and then find a way off the planet before its destruction.


How to watch Galaxy 4:


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12 reviews

watched mostly the animation, but the real episode for part 3. there were significant differences. its sad how much you miss out on from the missing episodes. i did not feel it quite so much with reign of terror but with this whole unique alien world i think it does suffer. interesting theme of solidarity with other races in the face of adversity? id love a story set on dhrava to understand their culture and history more. is maaga uniquely evil? whats with the clones? do they ever uprise? they seem to have their own thoughts and personalities. always interesting when a story has a female villain


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Vegan matriarch warriors versus chumbly-driving gunky boys is a conflict I can get behind any day. Maybe it's because I watched the animated version but I didn't find it boring like a lot of other people, and I actually enjoyed Steven as a companion, unlike in the Time Meddler (which is a great serial just not because of Steven).


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This one is a tricky one for me to rate. I don’t hate it nor do I like it.
It’s quite a simple one and one I’d argue with some great elements but also a lot of “whatever” aspect to it. I like the Chumblies, but the sounds here get on your nerves really quickly. I like Maaga here, she has a great performance in the only surviving Episode and overall for most of the Serial. I think we have some lovely Vicki Doctor Moments (in particular the one with the rock). But overall it doesn’t do much for me.

Overall this is just meh story, not particular amazing nor bad, some standout moments here and there but definitely one of the weaker Hartnell Tales


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Galaxy 4 tried to do something with the "the ugly terrifying alien robots are actually the good guys!" but unfortunately it suffered from being boring as hell


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“They consume valuable food and fulfill no particular fonction”


Il y a des robots mignons, une méchante cool, et pour ça l’histoire est presque, par endroits, plutôt fun. Mais ce ne sont quand même que quelques petits moments enchanteurs dans ce qui est peut-être le premier épisode vraiment médiocre de la série.

Ce n'est même pas un épisode révoltant en soi. La morale est concon. Mais franchement la série fera pire. En fait le plus gros problème c’est juste qu’il y a juste pas trop d’idées.

Maaga a au moins un certain charisme et l’actrice domine le script avec une performance vraiment théâtrale.

Mais il y a que ça. Comme j'ai dit.

Et les robots mignons.


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AVG. Rating370 members
2.78 / 5

AVG. Rating410 votes
3.35 / 5

The Time Scales

AVG. Rating128 votes
2.80 / 5

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(Light years away, on the planet Kembel Jeff Garvey is lying on the jungle floor, barely conscious. Garvey wakes up with a start, sitting up and peering about himself in confusion.)

GARVEY: I remember now. I must, I must kill. I must kill. I must kill.

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Transcript Needs checking

(Transcribers note - this story only exists in audio form)

Episode One - Four Hundred Dawns


(Vicki is giving Steven a haircut. The Doctor is busy at the controls.)

VICKI: Arrived, have we?
DOCTOR: We have, my dear.
STEVEN: Good. Where?
DOCTOR: Well, we should know about that when we have a look at the scanner, shan't we. Now, you can both take a look.
STEVEN: Where are we, Doctor? Is it a planet you recognise?
VICKI: Keep still, you nuisance! It's
STEVEN: I just want to know where we are.
DOCTOR: Quiet, both of you, will you?! Listen. Listen.
STEVEN: Listen to what? I can't hear a thing.
DOCTOR: Exactly. Exactly. There isn't a sound out there. Not a sound! Just silence.

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