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Classic Who S3 • Serial 5 · (0/4 episodes intact)

The Massacre

68% 918 votes

First aired Saturday, February 5, 1966
Production Code W
Directed by Paddy Russell
Runtime 100 minutes
Time Travel Past
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Doctor Doppelgänger Pure Historical
Locations Paris Earth
Historical Characters Catherine de Medici

The TARDIS materialises in Paris in the year 1572 and the Doctor decides to visit the famous apothecary Charles Preslin. Steven, meanwhile, is befriended by a group of Huguenots from the household of the Protestant Admiral de Coligny. Having rescued a young serving girl, Anne Chaplet, from some pursuing guards, the Huguenots gain their first inkling of a heinous plan being hatched at the command of the Catholic Queen Mother, Catherine de Medici.

4 Episodes:

First aired Saturday, February 5, 1966
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by John Lucarotti
Directed by Paddy Russell
UK Viewers 8 million
Appreciation Index 52


The TARDIS lands in sixteenth century Paris and Steven becomes involved with a group of Huguenots.

First aired Saturday, February 12, 1966
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by John Lucarotti
Directed by Paddy Russell
UK Viewers 6 million
Appreciation Index 52


While trying to find the Doctor, Steven discovers a conspiracy to assassinate a man known as the Sea Beggar.

First aired Saturday, February 19, 1966
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by John Lucarotti
Directed by Paddy Russell
UK Viewers 5.9 million
Appreciation Index 49


Steven has discovered the identity of the Sea Beggar, but can he warn the Huguenots in time?

First aired Saturday, February 26, 1966
Runtime 25 minutes
Directed by Paddy Russell
UK Viewers 5.8 million
Appreciation Index 53


Steven rejoins the Doctor and they leave Paris just ahead of the massacre, leaving Anne behind.

Signal Strength: 50%

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