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Classic Who S4 • Serial 8 · (2/6 episodes intact)

The Faceless Ones

74% 639 votes

First aired Saturday, April 8, 1967
Production Code KK
Directed by Gerry Mill
Runtime 150 minutes
Story Type Companion Exit
Time Travel Present
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Shape Shifting Miniaturisation

The TARDIS arrives at Gatwick Airport in July 1966. A great many young people have vanished, including Ben and Polly. With the help of Samantha Briggs, the sister of one of the missing youths, the Second Doctor and Jamie must uncover the plot of the Chameleons.

6 Episodes:

First aired Saturday, April 8, 1967
Runtime 25 minutes
Directed by Gerry Mill
UK Viewers 8 million
Appreciation Index 51


The TARDIS materialises on the runway of Gatwick Airport, where Polly witnesses a murder only to be kidnapped before she can report it.

First aired Saturday, April 15, 1967
Runtime 25 minutes
Directed by Gerry Mill
UK Viewers 6.4 million
Appreciation Index 50


With Polly having apparently forgotten them, the Doctor, Ben and Jamie decide to carry out their own investigation of Chameleon Tours.

First aired Saturday, April 22, 1967
Runtime 25 minutes
Directed by Gerry Mill
UK Viewers 7.9 million
Appreciation Index 53


The Doctor, Jamie and Sam manage to convince Crossland to trust them and he persuades the Commandant to let them continue their investigation.

First aired Saturday, April 29, 1967
Runtime 25 minutes
Directed by Gerry Mill
UK Viewers 6.9 million
Appreciation Index 55


When Spencer attempts to kill them, the Doctor, Jamie and Sam become convinced Chameleon Tours are hiding something and Sam decides to book a ticket on one of their flights.

First aired Saturday, May 6, 1967
Runtime 25 minutes
Directed by Gerry Mill
UK Viewers 7.1 million
Appreciation Index 55


Jamie finds himself aboard the Chameleons' satellite and meets their Director while the Doctor forces the Chameleon Meadows to tell him the aliens' plans.

First aired Saturday, May 13, 1967
Runtime 25 minutes
Directed by Gerry Mill
UK Viewers 8 million
Appreciation Index 52


The Doctor and Pinto are captured by the Chameleons but the Doctor manages to use their dependence on their human originals to create dissent in their ranks.

Signal Strength: 30%

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