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Classic Who S12 • Serial 4 · (6 episodes)

Genesis of the Daleks

86% 1,198 votes

First aired Saturday, March 8, 1975
Production Code 4E
Written by Terry Nation
Directed by David Maloney
Runtime 150 minutes
Time Travel Past
Inventory: (Potential Spoilers!) Sonic Screwdriver Etheric beam locator
Locations Skaro

Intercepted while travelling between Earth and the Ark, the Fourth Doctor and his companions are transported to the planet Skaro, thousands of years in the past, on a mission for the Time Lords — to prevent the creation of the Daleks.

6 Episodes:

First aired Saturday, March 8, 1975
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Terry Nation
Directed by David Maloney
UK Viewers 10.7 million


The planet Skaro, the distant past. The Time Lords divert the Doctor, Sarah Jane and Harry to this war-torn world, and give the Doctor a mission: the evil of the Daleks is about to be born here, and the Doctor is to try to ensure they evolve into less lethally aggressive beings - or, failing that, to avert their creation altogether. But has even the Doctor the right to commit genocide?

First aired Saturday, March 15, 1975
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Terry Nation
Directed by David Maloney
UK Viewers 10.5 million
Appreciation Index 57


The Doctor and Harry are taken to the Kaled bunker where Davros is preparing to demonstrate the Daleks, while Sarah Jane is captured by the Thals and taken to their city as a slave worker.

First aired Saturday, March 22, 1975
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Terry Nation
Directed by David Maloney
UK Viewers 8.5 million


The Doctor and Harry head to the Kaled city to alert the authorities to Davros' plans while Sarah Jane and Sevrin are forced to work on the completion of the Thals' rocket.

First aired Saturday, March 29, 1975
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Terry Nation
Directed by David Maloney
UK Viewers 8.8 million
Appreciation Index 58


The Doctor fails to prevent the Thals from destroying the Kaled city but they don't have long to enjoy their victory before the Daleks attack.

First aired Saturday, April 5, 1975
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Terry Nation
Directed by David Maloney
UK Viewers 9.8 million
Appreciation Index 57


The Doctor is forced to give Davros full details of future Dalek victories but opposition to Davros' plans is growing among the Kaleds and soon there is open rebellion.

First aired Saturday, April 12, 1975
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Terry Nation
Directed by David Maloney
UK Viewers 9.1 million
Appreciation Index 56


Gharman tries to convince the Kaleds to vote against the Dalek project but Davros has a trick up his sleeve, while the Doctor works to destroy the tape recording of Dalek victory and the Thals plan an intervention of their own.

Signal Strength: 50%

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Also featuring:

Time Lord messenger