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Virgin New Adventures

White Darkness

66% 302 votes

Released Thursday, June 17, 1993
Written by David A. McIntee
Pages 244
Time Travel Past
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) War World War I
Locations Haiti Earth

"We believe that death should always be part of life."

The Doctor's last three visits to the scattered human colonies of the third millennium have not been entirely successful. And now that Ace has rejoined him and Bernice, life on board the TARDIS is getting pretty stressful. The Doctor yearns for a simpler time and place: Earth, the tropics, the early twentieth century.

The TARDIS lands in Haiti in the early years of the First World War. And the Doctor, Bernice and Ace land in a murderous plot involving vodoun, violent death, zombies and German spies. And perhaps something else — something far, far worse.

Signal Strength: 40%

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Also featuring:

Eugene Petion  Howard Phillips  Mait  Cthulu