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Classic Who S21 • Serial 7 · (4 episodes)

The Twin Dilemma

58% 465 votes

First aired Thursday, March 22, 1984
Production Code 6S
Written by Anthony Steven
Directed by Peter Moffatt
Runtime 100 minutes
Time Travel Future
Locations Titan III Jaconda

The Doctor has regenerated and all is not well. Confused, angry and acting strangely, the new Doctor decides to become a hermit, taking his concerned companion Peri to a desolate asteroid where he plans to live for several centuries.

The time travellers soon uncover a plot that threatens the entire galaxy. But who is the mysterious Professor Edgeworth? Why has an alien Gastropod kidnapped twins? And will the Doctor recover in time to stop Gastropods taking over the universe?

4 Episodes:

First aired Thursday, March 22, 1984
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Anthony Steven
Directed by Peter Moffatt
UK Viewers 7.6 million
Appreciation Index 61


Earth, the future. The genius Sylvest twins, child prodigies, are kidnapped by the mysterious Professor Edgeworth and taken to the planet Jaconda. But who is Edgeworth? Why does he serve the giant slug Mestor? And what is Mestor's plan?

First aired Friday, March 23, 1984
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Anthony Steven
Directed by Peter Moffatt
UK Viewers 7.4 million
Appreciation Index 66


The Doctor takes Peri to Titan 3, a desolate hunk of rock in space where he hopes to find some solitude for a while. Instead he finds the lone but unconscious survivor of a recent spaceship crash in sight of a mound-shaped complex where no formalised structure should exist.

First aired Thursday, March 29, 1984
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Anthony Steven
Directed by Peter Moffatt
UK Viewers 7 million
Appreciation Index 59


The Doctor arrives on Jaconda, once lush and green, to find it completely devastated by giant gastropods. Old legends about the planet's half-human/half-slugs weren't just myths after all. With or without help from the Doctor and his unpredictable mood swings, Lt. Lang is up for rescuing the twins, who are finally informed of the grand purpose they've been brought to Jaconda to accomplish.

First aired Friday, March 30, 1984
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Anthony Steven
Directed by Peter Moffatt
UK Viewers 6.3 million
Appreciation Index 67


The Doctor and Edgeworth deduce that the real plan of Mestor, the gastropod ruler of Jaconda, will not only destroy Jaconda but lead to the devastation of other planets. Together they hope to thwart him despite his formidable ability at slipping into people's minds and controlling them.

Signal Strength: 50%

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Also featuring:

Azmael  Mestor