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Classic Who S22 • Serial 1 · (2 episodes)

Attack of the Cybermen

66% 1,131 votes

First aired Saturday, January 5, 1985
Production Code 6T
Written by Paula Moore
Directed by Matthew Robinson
Runtime 90 minutes
Time Travel Present
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Working Chameleon Circuit

While trying to fix the TARDIS's chameleon circuit, the Sixth Doctor returns to Foreman's Yard on Totter's Lane in 1985, where he meets his old enemies the Cybermen. They have come from the future to change history by sending Halley's Comet crashing into Earth. Gustave Lytton, last seen working for the Daleks, is involved in the Cybermen's plot. Is Lytton working for the Cybermen, himself or someone else?

2 Episodes:

First aired Saturday, January 5, 1985
Runtime 45 minutes
Written by Paula Moore
Directed by Matthew Robinson
UK Viewers 8.9 million
Appreciation Index 61


London, 1985. The alien mercenary Lytton has been stranded here for nearly a year, but now he has a plan to escape. But how does it involve the Doctor's old enemies - and why are they on Earth at this point in history?

First aired Saturday, January 12, 1985
Runtime 45 minutes
Written by Paula Moore
Directed by Matthew Robinson
UK Viewers 7.2 million
Appreciation Index 65


On Telos, the Doctor is reintroduced to the Cyber Leader and meets the Cryons, the planet's original inhabitants who will go to any lengths to get their world back!

Signal Strength: 50%

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Also featuring:

Gustave Lytton