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Classic Who S21 • Serial 4 · (2 episodes)

Resurrection of the Daleks

76% 399 votes

First aired Wednesday, February 8, 1984
Production Code 6P
Written by Eric Saward
Directed by Matthew Robinson
Runtime 90 minutes
Story Type Companion Exit
Time Travel Present Future
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Prison Planet Companion Doppelgänger

Captured in a time corridor, the Doctor and his companions are forced to land on 20th century Earth, diverted by the Doctor's oldest enemy - the Daleks. It is here the true purpose of the time corridor becomes apparent: after ninety years of imprisonment, Davros, the ruthless creator of the Daleks, is to be liberated to assist in the resurrection of his army.

2 Episodes:

First aired Wednesday, February 8, 1984
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Eric Saward
Directed by Matthew Robinson
UK Viewers 7.3 million
Appreciation Index 69


London's Docklands, 1984. Why are uniformed policemen gunning down strangely-dressed vagrants in broad daylight? A prison ship in the far future - who is the sole prisoner aboard the craft? And why are these two locations linked by the time corridor the TARDIS has been sucked into?

First aired Wednesday, February 15, 1984
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Eric Saward
Directed by Matthew Robinson
UK Viewers 8 million
Appreciation Index 65


As the surviving station crew work to destroy the space station, Davros consolidates his power and the Daleks launch a fiendish scheme to use the Doctor against the Time Lords.

Signal Strength: 50%

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Also featuring:

Gustave Lytton  Black Dalek Leader