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First aired

Thursday, March 22, 1984

Production Code


Written by

Anthony Steven

Directed by

Peter Moffatt


100 minutes

Time Travel


Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)

Child Genius

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Jaconda, Titan III


The Doctor has regenerated and all is not well. Confused, angry and acting strangely, the new Doctor decides to become a hermit, taking his concerned companion Peri to a desolate asteroid where he plans to live for several centuries.

The time travellers soon uncover a plot that threatens the entire galaxy. But who is the mysterious Professor Edgeworth? Why has an alien Gastropod kidnapped twins? And will the Doctor recover in time to stop Gastropods taking over the universe?

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4 Episodes

Part One

First aired

Thursday, March 22, 1984


25 minutes

Written by

Anthony Steven

Directed by

Peter Moffatt

UK Viewers

7.6 million

Appreciation Index



Earth, the future. The genius Sylvest twins, child prodigies, are kidnapped by the mysterious Professor Edgeworth and taken to the planet Jaconda. But who is Edgeworth? Why does he serve the giant slug Mestor? And what is Mestor's plan?

Part Two

First aired

Friday, March 23, 1984


25 minutes

Written by

Anthony Steven

Directed by

Peter Moffatt

UK Viewers

7.4 million

Appreciation Index



The Doctor takes Peri to Titan 3, a desolate hunk of rock in space where he hopes to find some solitude for a while. Instead he finds the lone but unconscious survivor of a recent spaceship crash in sight of a mound-shaped complex where no formalised structure should exist.

Part Three

First aired

Thursday, March 29, 1984


25 minutes

Written by

Anthony Steven

Directed by

Peter Moffatt

UK Viewers

7 million

Appreciation Index



The Doctor arrives on Jaconda, once lush and green, to find it completely devastated by giant gastropods. Old legends about the planet's half-human/half-slugs weren't just myths after all. With or without help from the Doctor and his unpredictable mood swings, Lt. Lang is up for rescuing the twins, who are finally informed of the grand purpose they've been brought to Jaconda to accomplish.

Part Four

First aired

Friday, March 30, 1984


25 minutes

Written by

Anthony Steven

Directed by

Peter Moffatt

UK Viewers

6.3 million

Appreciation Index



The Doctor and Edgeworth deduce that the real plan of Mestor, the gastropod ruler of Jaconda, will not only destroy Jaconda but lead to the devastation of other planets. Together they hope to thwart him despite his formidable ability at slipping into people's minds and controlling them.


How to watch The Twin Dilemma:


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10 reviews

Regeneration psychosis is such a fun concept. Too bad it was poorly handled and also stuck in this serial.


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So... Even though I always have a good time watching it, I have to admit that when I plug in my brain, it doesn't work too well. On the plus side, I love the concept of this new Doctor, seeing how terrible regeneration can be for a Time Lord, juggling periods of euphoria and depression. But the rest... The acting isn't up to scratch all the time, the story is really lambda, I wasn't touched by the characters present and the ending makes me want to tear my hair out. The potential is there, but there's a certain taste of unfinished business.


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First things first, Twin Dilemma is peak fiction nothing you can say to convince me otherwise. The doctor is now insane, Colin Baker and is trying to deal with Gastropod Mestor who kidnapped two twins, what a dilemma.


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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: The Caves of Androzani

I think it's a very bizarre choice to have this as the season finale to Season 21. I can't imagine having to wait however long it took for the next season to come out after this as your only taste of the Sixth Doctor. I'll start off by saying that regardless of the quality of the script, one thing that's certain is Colin Baker acts the hell out of it. He's given some of the worst dialogue in all of Who and manages to genuinely make it enjoyable and that alone is enough to confirm to me that he IS the Doctor.

And honestly, I'm willing to let all this go so long as he doesn't behave like this throughout the rest of his tenure, it's a post regeneration story after all (even if I disagree that fundamental traits of the Doctor shouldn't change in regeneration like being willing to let people die when he could easily save them or trying to strangle his companion).

Regarding the story itself, it's one of the better parts of this episode. Sure, it's cheesy Classic Who nonsense but it's nothing that hasn't been done before and it even has some nice moments if you can excuse the acting talents of the twins. Overall I think this story is deserving of it's reputation, it really botches the introduction of Colin Baker and is such a huge step down after Caves. At the very least though it isn't boring and I don't feel like I've wasted my time watching it.

“Whatever else happens, I am the Doctor, whether you like it or not.”

Next Story: Attack of the Cybermen 


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Is that what all the fuss was about?

It has to be said that years of hearing this serial roundly pronounced "one of the worst Doctor Who stories of all time" along with Time and the Rani (which I have also seen and which also isn't quite as bad as people say) gave me some elevated expectations.

Instead I found a story which is, while messy and full of misjudged moments, still very entertaining, if not always for the reasons it intended. Is it so bad it's good or is it just OK? I don't tend to differentiate, but suffice it to say that I had a bit of fun.

Our new leading man immediately makes a strong impression, his boisterousness and grandiloquent speech both miles away from his predecessor. I really love Colin's voice; it does make me sit up and pay attention, even when the lines he's delivering are not very good. There are still a few here that I did appreciate, like when he cheerfully informs the chamberlain, "I don't like you," or when he says, "I no longer know if I'm coming, or going, or even if I've been!" His chinwag with Mestor is also pretty good, for what it's worth.

These aside, I must admit that the dialogue is hilariously elevated in this script, and we also get 'oof' lines like "... and may my bones ROT for obeying it!" or "Our genius has been abused!" or "a manic-depressive paranoid personality!"

This script definitely needed a third or fourth or fifth pass, but such are the usual end-of-season woes, where there's just no time. This makes the decision to slot this here instead of at the start of the next season very questionable indeed.

Story-wise, it is kind of interesting to see the Doctor struggle so much with the regeneration process, but in practice it is handled pretty messily. By far the worst part of this is the infamous scene where the Doctor tries to choke Peri, which is just as uncomfortable as I expected.

Still, aside from that one, the other moments mostly fall into the territory of lovable schlock. Looking back 40 years later it's easy to laugh when it's no longer "the story that killed Doctor Who".


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AVG. Rating346 members
2.05 / 5

AVG. Rating228 votes
3.55 / 5

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DOCTOR: Regeneration in my case is a swift but volcanic experience. A kind of violent biological eruption in which the body cells are displaced, changed, renewed and rearranged. There are bound to be side-effects.

— Sixth Doctor, The Twin Dilemma

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Transcript Needs checking

Part One

[Sylvest home]

(Twin boys are playing a cross between chess and backgammon with large pyramidical pieces. Their father enters and takes notes.)

REMUS: Where's mother?
SYLVEST: She's busy.
ROMULUS: Does that mean she isn't talking to us?
SYLVEST: No, she's just busy.
BOTH: We would like to see her.
SYLVEST: She isn't here.
REMUS: She's gone out without saying goodbye?
SYLVEST: Well, yes.
ROMULUS: I suppose you're going out as well.
SYLVEST: In a few minutes.
REMUS: Abandoned again.
ROMULUS: You we forgive, Father, but not Mother.
SYLVEST: Look, Romulus, I wish you would be kinder to your mother. You too, Remus.
BOTH: Why?
SYLVEST: She is your mother.
REMUS: Because Mother happened to give birth to us, does that automatically grant her a place in our affections?
SYLVEST: Yes. Yes, of course.
REMUS: Respect must be earned, Father. Mother is a fool, you know that. Do you now wish us to respect fools? You've always said the contrary.
SYLVEST: Your mother is who she is, whether you think her a fool or not. It's no excuse for poor manners and lack of concern.
REMUS: As you wish, Father.
SYLVEST: I gather there's something you wanted to talk to me about?
REMUS: Not talk to you, tell you. We're going to play Equations.
SYLVEST: Oh, no.
ROMULUS: You know, I sometimes think you're actually scared of us.
SYLVEST: I worry, Romulus. I honestly believe that neither of you has the faintest idea of your real powers. Your mathematical skill could change events on a massive scale. Don't you realise that?
REMUS: Oh, don't be so dramatic, Father.
ROMULUS: Sometimes you sound just like Mother.
REMUS: So why don't you stop worrying? Buzz off and enjoy your evening out.
ROMULUS: We'll still be here when you get back.
REMUS: And so will the universe.


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