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Doctor Who S5 • Episode 12

The Pandorica Opens

86% 1,770 votes

First aired Saturday, June 19, 2010
Production Code 1.12
Written by Steven Moffat
Directed by Toby Haynes
Runtime 50 minutes
Time Travel Past Present
Inventory: (Potential Spoilers!) Sonic Screwdriver
UK Viewers 7.57 million
Appreciation Index 88

A Van Gogh painting ferried across thousands of years offering a terrifying prophecy, a message on the oldest cliff-face in the universe and a love that lasts a thousand years: in 102 AD England, Romans receive a surprise visit from Cleopatra. Nearby, Stonehenge hides a legendary prison-box. As it slowly unlocks from the inside, terrible forces gather in the heavens. The fates are closing around the TARDIS. The Pandorica, which contains the most dangerous threat in the Universe, is opening. Only one thing is certain: "The Pandorica will open... Silence will fall".

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Also featuring:

Liz 10  Winston Churchill  Blowfish  Crespallion