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Written by Steven Moffat

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Virgin Decalogs

8. Continuity Errors

Average. Rating: 64%

(Comic Relief) (Minisode)

The Curse of Fatal Death

Average. Rating: 71%

Doctor Who S1 • Episode 9

The Empty Child

Average. Rating: 88%

Doctor Who S1 • Episode 10

The Doctor Dances

Average. Rating: 88%

(No Series)

What I Did on My Christmas Holidays by Sally Sparrow

Doctor Who S2 • Episode 4

The Girl in the Fireplace

Average. Rating: 71%

Doctor Who S3 • Episode 10


Average. Rating: 89%

(Children in Need) (Minisode)

Time Crash

Average. Rating: 72%

Doctor Who S4 • Episode 8

Silence in the Library

Average. Rating: 87%

Doctor Who S4 • Episode 9

Forest of the Dead

River Song, hooked up to the computer, sacrificing her life
Average. Rating: 87%

Doctor Who S5 • Episode 1

The Eleventh Hour

Average. Rating: 82%

Doctor Who S5 • Episode 2

The Beast Below

Average. Rating: 65%

Doctor Who S5 • Episode 4

The Time of Angels

Average. Rating: 73%

Doctor Who S5 • Episode 5

Flesh and Stone

Average. Rating: 72%

Doctor Who S5 • Episode 12

The Pandorica Opens

Average. Rating: 78%

Doctor Who S5 • Episode 13

The Big Bang

River Song, pointing a gun
Average. Rating: 78%

Doctor Who S5 (Minisode)

Meanwhile in the TARDIS (1)

Average. Rating: 59%

Doctor Who S5 (Minisode)

Meanwhile in the TARDIS (2)

Average. Rating: 53%

Doctor Who Specials • Christmas Special

A Christmas Carol

Average. Rating: 75%

(No Series)

The Doctor Saves Day / Dermot and the Doctor

Average. Rating: 43%

(Comic Relief) (Minisode)


Average. Rating: 58%

(Comic Relief) (Minisode)


Average. Rating: 59%

Doctor Who S6 (Minisode)

Prequel to The Impossible Astronaut

Average. Rating: 54%

Doctor Who S6 • Episode 1

The Impossible Astronaut

Average. Rating: 76%