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First aired

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Written by

Steven Moffat

Directed by

Douglas Mackinnon


45 minutes

Time Travel

Past, Future

Inventory (Potential Spoilers!)

Psychic Paper, Sanctuary Base 6 space suit, Sonic Screwdriver

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Earth, England, Gallifrey, London

UK Viewers

7.01 million

Appreciation Index



The Doctor has been pondering a question: have people ever been truly alone? Does something lurk unseen beside us all? With Clara at his side, the Time Lord will find himself delving into familiar pasts and eerie futures. Just where does the answer to the old man's unanswerable question lie? Will he find the answers he's been searching for, or will his quest cost him his life this time?

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8 reviews

Every once in a while, Moffat gives himself a little episode on the side to prove he's one of the best ever to write Doctor Who and he should still be in charge.

It always pays off.


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Few Doctor Who stories reach the heights of this one. It feels like Steven Moffat returning to his roots, crafting a chamber piece—or rather a series of them—with a small cast of only three. Two characters are explored at different points in their lives, but not the two you’d expect. The story delves deeply into themes of fear, particularly primal childhood fears, while also revealing something rare: a glimpse into the Doctor’s childhood and how it connects to his purpose.

Peter Capaldi’s performance here is exceptional. In this episode, the Twelfth Doctor feels more at ease, no longer needing to emphasise “whether he is a good man”. Instead, he fully inhabits the darker, spookier tone of the story, which suits him perfectly. Despite its serious themes, the episode is interwoven with the charming never ending date between Clara and Danny Pink. Their date night is split up so perfectly with this grand intergalactic adventure, it is handled with elegance.

This episode captures the essence of what Steven Moffat does best. The highest praise I can give is that the episode made me want to rewatch it immediately—even while watching, the urge to revisit it is irresistible. This is undoubtedly the high-water mark of the Peter Capaldi era so far and a brilliant showcase of what his Doctor is capable of.


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Every viewing of Listen has made me fall in love with it more than more. What a beautifully affecting episode of television. The Doctor's constant search to try and find this creature, to find the unknowable when he's really dealing with the turmoil inside himself is realized expertly. As most great episodes do, the moral center of the episode falls to Clara. No matter how many times I watch, her grabbing the child Doctor's ankle from under the bed still draws gasps every time, and she delivers an all-time beautiful speech. Never cruel nor cowardly indeed.


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Perfect episode. Infinitely rewatchable. Immensely captivating.


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I thought it was great, a completely psychological horror story that's not done enough nowadays. It was a character study of The Doctor and was perfect in that regard. Capaldi is perfect for this sort of thing and the twist at the end of him as a child was very unexpected.

Best episode so far for me, definitely.


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AVG. Rating730 members
3.86 / 5

AVG. Rating1,821 votes
4.14 / 5

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DOCTOR: Question. Why is there no such thing as perfect hiding? Answer. How would you know? Logically, if evolution were to perfect a creature whose primary skill were to hide from view, how could you know it existed?

— Twelfth Doctor, Listen

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Transcript + Script

(The Doctor is on a world tour. First we see him sitting on top of the TARDIS above the Earth.)

DOCTOR: (sotto) Listen!


DOCTOR: Question. Why do we talk out loud when we know we're alone? (blows out candle) Conjecture. Because we know we're not.

(He writes on his blackboard.)

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