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Doctor Who S8 • Episode 3

Robot of Sherwood

72% 2,209 votes

First aired Saturday, September 6, 2014
Written by Mark Gatiss
Directed by Paul Murphy
Runtime 45 minutes
Time Travel Past
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Celebrity Historical Robots Fencing
Inventory: (Potential Spoilers!) Spoons
UK Viewers 7.28 million
Appreciation Index 82

Clara is offered the chance to choose the next destination for herself and the Twelfth Doctor. They go and meet the English folk hero Robin Hood, much to the Doctor's disbelief in the existence of someone who's supposed to be a mere folk story character. Travelling through Sherwood Forest in 1190, they soon realise that something is amiss, as the cruel Sheriff of Nottingham and his malevolent robot knights set in motion a plot that could rewrite the course of history for the worst.

Signal Strength: 30%

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Also featuring:

Sheriff of Nottingham