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Virgin New Adventures

Human Nature

84% 902 votes

Released Tuesday, July 18, 1995
Written by Paul Cornell
Pages 255
Time Travel Past
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) LGBTQA+

"Who's going to save us this time?"

April, 1914. The inhabitants of the little Norfolk town of Farringham are enjoying an early summer, unaware that war is on the way. Amongst them is Dr John Smith, a short, middle-aged history teacher from Aberdeen. He's having a hard time with his new post as house master at Hulton College, a school dedicated to producing military officers.

Bernice Summerfield is enjoying her holiday in the town, getting over the terrible events that befell her in France. But then she meets a future Doctor, and things start to get dangerous very quickly. With the Doctor she knows gone, and only a suffragette and an elderly rake for company, can Benny fight off a vicious alien attack? And will Dr Smith be able to save the day?

Signal Strength: 40%

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Also featuring:

Joan Redfern  Wolsey  Alexander Shuttleworth  Death  The Aubertides  Death