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Jago & Litefoot S12 • Episode 4

Warm Blood

74% 42 votes

Released Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Written by Justin Richards
Runtime 49 minutes
Time Travel Past
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Vampires
Locations Earth London England

Ellie tells Jago and Litefoot that she has been in contact with a group of vampires and can lead the investigators to them. But can they trust her? With more victims turning up, Jago, Litefoot and Ellie make their way to a house that is supposed to be haunted, and which could be the vampires’ base of operations.

But what they find there will surprise and horrify Jago and Litefoot. Can they survive their encounter with the vampires when the Old One has decided that they must die?

Signal Strength: 40%

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Also featuring:

Mr Ravener  Ellie Higson