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Jago & Litefoot S12 • Episode 3

School of Blood

78% 41 votes

Released Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Written by Paul Morris
Runtime 65 minutes
Time Travel Past
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Vampires
Locations Earth London England

Acting on a tip off about the possible source of the vampiric murders that are now plaguing London, Jago and Litefoot investigate a girls' school. Due to a misunderstanding, Litefoot finds himself offered a job at the school, while Jago keeps watch on Ellie who they both think is behaving oddly.

But before long, they both discover that all is not as it should be at the school. Can Jago and Litefoot track down the vampire before it claims more innocent victims?

Signal Strength: 40%

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Also featuring:

Mr Ravener  Ellie Higson