Stories Television Doctor Who Season 2 Classic Who S2 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The Time Meddler 1 image Overview Episodes Characters How to Watch Reviews 15 Statistics Related Stories Quotes 10 Transcript Overview First aired Saturday, July 3, 1965 Production Code S Written by Dennis Spooner Directed by Douglas Camfield Runtime 100 minutes Story Type New Companion Introduction Time Travel Past Tropes (Potential Spoilers!) Rewriting History, Time Travel Pivotal Location (Potential Spoilers!) Earth, England, Northumbria Synopsis The Doctor, Vicki, and new companion Steven Taylor arrive in Saxon Northumbria on the eve of the Viking and Norman invasions. It is 1066, a pivotal moment in British history. The hand of a mysterious Monk is at work in the nearby monastery, intending that history takes a different course. Watch Watched Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save 4 Episodes The Watcher First aired Saturday, July 3, 1965 Runtime 25 minutes Written by Dennis Spooner Directed by Douglas Camfield UK Viewers 8.9 million Appreciation Index 57 Synopsis The Doctor, Vicki, and Steven Taylor, go to 1066 England, but something doesn't seem right including modern inventions like a Gramaphone and electricity. Could there be another Time Lord? The Meddling Monk First aired Saturday, July 10, 1965 Runtime 25 minutes Written by Dennis Spooner Directed by Douglas Camfield UK Viewers 8.8 million Appreciation Index 49 Synopsis The Doctor is being held prisoner by the Monk and Steven and Vicki's search for him brings them to the Saxon village.But a greater danger threatens when a Viking raiding party arrives. A Battle of Wits First aired Saturday, July 17, 1965 Runtime 25 minutes Written by Dennis Spooner Directed by Douglas Camfield UK Viewers 7.7 million Appreciation Index 53 Synopsis The Doctor manages to escape from his cell and get the upper hand on the Monk but his plans are derailed when Sven and Ulf arrive at the monastery. Checkmate First aired Saturday, July 24, 1965 Runtime 25 minutes Written by Dennis Spooner Directed by Douglas Camfield UK Viewers 8.3 million Appreciation Index 54 Synopsis The Doctor finally discovers what the Monk is up to and must move fast to prevent his opponent from altering the course of history. Show All Episodes Characters First Doctor William Hartnell Vicki Pallister Maureen O'Brien Steven Taylor Peter Purves The Monk Peter Butterworth First Appearance Show All Characters (4) How to watch The Time Meddler: Watch on iPlayer Blu-Ray The Collection – Season 2 DVD The Time Meddler VHS The First Doctor (VHS) (Special Edition Box Set) Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 15 reviews 2 February 2025 · 63 words Review by goblinikov Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! The Saxon/ Viking conflict was pretty dull. Otherwise, I found the cheeky quality of the Time Meddler to be quite endearing. Loved the idea of a Time Lord who wants to change things for the better, but ends up messing up the course of human history, especially since the Doctor has made the same mistake multiple times since. Bring back the Time Meddler!!! goblinikov View profile Like Liked 1 15 December 2024 · 228 words Review by RandomJoke Spoilers This review contains spoilers! This one is easily one of my favorites of the Hartnell era. Kinda a paradox, since this was the slow beginning of the end of the pure historical (in some ways). Watching this after The Chase probably also helped it at my first viewing, since while I do find some aspect of that Story appealing, I feel like this one balances the Comedy and the stakes a lot more. Butterworth is the great standout here really, his Monk is just amazing, and it’s a great shame we only got him here (and later in the DMP). The Monk while in many ways similar to the Master, feels to me like a unique version of an antagonist, since he really all does it to mess with it. Another Thing I highly can praise is the Pacing, dare I say while I love the slower pace of the Hartnell era a lot, this one feels perfectly paced with its 4 Parts. There is a lot I can praise. For example the whole subplot where Vicki tries to convince Steven that the Tardis is a time machine, it doesn’t play for too long to become annoying, no the right amount of time. As always, Hartnell is a blast, especially his banter with Steven in the beginning is lovely “and there is a chair with a panda sitting on” RandomJoke View profile Like Liked 0 21 November 2024 · 104 words Review by greenLetterT The Time Meddler is just a really strong story. The side characters (well, one of them, Edith), are well done, the sets are really good, and the main cast is stellar. It's also a fascinating story in terms of establishing Doctor Who lore - we learn for the first time that the Doctor is, in fact, alien, and from the same place as the Monk, and we even learn that the Doctor's fancy TARDIS isn't all that. Speaking of the Monk - absolute highlight of the story. He plays off the Doctor really well, offering an opposing but nevertheless similar character. What a guy greenLetterT View profile Like Liked 0 11 November 2024 · 140 words Review by Dogtor “I’m, I’m marooned. Marooned! In 1066! Oh, Doctor.” The Time Meddler est fantastique. Hartnell et Butterworth se trollent, rient de leur propre rivalité, et livrent chacun une performance mémorable! Mais en plus c’est un script hyper important. Chaque scène clé de l’épisode repousse en effet un peu plus les limites de la série. Mais c’est tellement bien millimétré, et les acteurs sont tellement à fond, que c’est aussi surprenant que pourtant vraiment naturel dans l’exécution. De plus là où l’histoire est peut être assez négligée, c’est dans son trio. C’est tout un chapitre qui s’ouvre, mais les interactions de Vicki et Steven sont tellement bien qu’on oublie carrément Ian et Barbara. Si ça c’est pas du bon taff. Dogtor View profile Like Liked 0 22 October 2024 · 655 words Review by MrColdStream Spoilers 4 This review contains spoilers! 📝8/10 Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time! “The Time Meddler: A Meddling Delight” The Time Meddler ushers in a new TARDIS dynamic while breaking fresh ground as Doctor Who’s first pseudo-historical, blending historical intrigue with science fiction in a tale that’s equal parts whimsical and groundbreaking. Though it stumbles occasionally in pacing and tension, its charm and historical significance make it a standout adventure. Reminiscing and Rebuilding The opening moments of The Time Meddler offer a rare gem in Classic Who: quiet character introspection. Reflecting on Ian and Barbara’s departure, the episode tenderly marks their absence while setting the stage for a new TARDIS team. The delightful introductory sequence inside the TARDIS seamlessly integrates Steven into the crew, offering both a primer for new viewers and a warm, comedic nod to returning fans. History with a Twist Marking the debut of the pseudo-historical genre, The Time Meddler cleverly juxtaposes the Viking era with futuristic anachronisms, such as 20th-century technology. While the narrative doesn’t fully explore the potential of this blend, it sets a fascinating tone, particularly in the early episodes. The story shifts focus from historical events to a compelling battle of wits between two opposing Time Lords, a bold departure for the series. A Showdown of Icons The heart of the serial lies in the clash between the Doctor and the Meddling Monk, played with mischievous brilliance by Peter Butterworth. As the first Time Lord adversary in the series, the Monk’s playful yet selfish motives make him a refreshing change from traditional villains. Butterworth’s chemistry with William Hartnell is a joy to watch, particularly in the second half when their rivalry takes center stage. A New Team Takes Shape Without Ian and Barbara, Maureen O’Brien’s Vicki comes into her own as a confident and capable companion, proving she can hold her own. Meanwhile, Steven’s debut is energetic, if still a little rough around the edges. His skeptical defiance contrasts nicely with Vicki’s seasoned pragmatism, and their dynamic shines in their shared escapades throughout the story. Missed Opportunities and Clumsy Moments Despite its innovation, The Time Meddler suffers from some uneven plotting. Steven and Vicki spend much of the story aimlessly wandering, while the Doctor takes a backseat in the first half due to Hartnell’s absence. The Saxons and Vikings are underdeveloped and largely forgettable, serving more as window dressing than integral parts of the plot. The action sequences, usually a strength in historicals, feel clumsy and unconvincing here, especially when compared to earlier serials. Additionally, while the ending is cleverly satisfying, it lacks the sense of grandeur or climax that would have elevated the story. Visuals and Wit The production’s simple sets and costumes effectively evoke the historical setting, supported by solid direction that lends the story a sense of scale. The script sparkles with memorable lines, from Hartnell’s poetic description of the TARDIS (“Sheer poetry, dear boy”) to his sardonic quip about a Viking helmet being “a space helmet for a cow.” These moments of wit are quintessential Hartnell and inject much-needed levity into the slower stretches of the serial. The Time Meddler strikes a unique balance of humor, innovation, and character-driven storytelling. While its pacing falters and some elements feel undercooked, the introduction of the Monk and the evolving TARDIS team dynamics make it a pivotal and entertaining chapter in Doctor Who history. RANDOM OBSERVATIONS: The Monk’s meddling, while mischievous, almost makes you root for his victory—a testament to Butterworth’s charming performance. The Saxons’ resemblance to the tribe members from An Unearthly Child is amusing, especially given Aletha Charlton’s return in a similar role. MrColdStream View profile Like Liked 4 Show All Reviews (15) Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating487 members 3.98 / 5 AVG. Rating419 votes 3.80 / 5 Member Statistics Watched 854 Favourited 124 Reviewed 15 Saved 5 Skipped 1 Owned 19 Related Stories Tales of the TARDIS (Minisode) The Time Meddler (TOTT Minisode) Rating: 3.87 Story Skipped Minisode Reviews(1) More Actions View Sets Close Related Sets Set of Stories: Tales of the TARDIS Add Review Edit Review Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Save to my list Saved Classic Who S3 • Serial 4 · (3/12 episodes intact) The Daleks’ Master Plan Rating: 3.97 Story Skipped Television Reviews(10) More Actions View Sets Close Related Sets Set of Stories: Doctor Who Season 3 Set of Stories: Doctor Who (1963-1996) Set of Stories: First Doctor Add Review Edit Review Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Save to my list Saved Other adaptations of this story: We define an adaptation as a recreation of a similar story but on a different medium or with different characters. Target Collection Doctor Who: The Time Meddler Rating: 3.76 Story Skipped Book Reviews(1) More Actions View Sets Close Related Sets Set of Stories: Target Collection Add Review Edit Review Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Save to my list Saved Other variations of this story We define a variation as another way of experiencing the exact same story - like an autiobook, a reconstruction or an omnibus edition. Tales of the TARDIS • Episode 5 The Time Meddler (TOTT version) Rating: 3.81 Story Skipped Television Reviews(2) More Actions View Sets Close Related Sets Set of Stories: Tales of the TARDIS Add Review Edit Review Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Save to my list Saved Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite VICKI: Doctor? He says the TARDIS isn't a time machine. DOCTOR: Oh, does he now? VICKI: Tell him. DOCTOR: I don't see why I should, my child. He'll learn soon enough. STEVEN: Look, Doctor, I've seen some spaceships in my time, admittedly nothing like this. Well, what does this do? DOCTOR: That is the dematerialising control and that, over yonder, is the horizontal hold. Up there is the scanner, those are the doors, that is a chair with a panda on it. Sheer poetry, dear boy. Now please stop bothering me. — The Time Meddler Show All Quotes (10) Open in new window Transcript Needs checking Episode One - The Watcher [TARDIS] (The hum of the TARDIS is broken only by the ticking of a very ornate clock.) VICKI: I shall miss them, Doctor.DOCTOR: Who?VICKI: Ian and Barbara.DOCTOR: Yes, I shall miss them too. First Susan and now them. Come over here, my dear, I'd like to talk to you.VICKI: What about the control panel?DOCTOR: Oh, that's all right, my dear. It's already set. Their decision certainly surprised me, although it shouldn't, I know. But it was quite obvious they intended to take the first opportunity of going back home.VICKI: Well, they weren't getting any younger, were they?DOCTOR: It's lucky for you child, they're not here to hear you say that. Good gracious me. You think they're old? What do you think of me?VICKI: You're different, Doctor. Anyway, we may land in their time one day and be able to talk over old times.DOCTOR: Well, perhaps Vicki, perhaps.VICKI: Anyway, it's done now. I wonder where the TARDIS'll take us next?DOCTOR: Yes, it's done now, although I must admit I'm left with a small worry.VICKI: You know, I wouldn't mind New York. I didn't get to see a lot of it, what with the Daleks and everything. But what I saw from the top of the Empire State Building, I wouldn't mind going back there.DOCTOR: My dear Vicki, I'm trying to talk to you.VICKI: Oh, sorry.DOCTOR: I just wanted to ask you, are you sure you didn't want to go home too? I didn't give you very much time to consider now, did I? I should hate to think that you're just staying for the sake of an old man.VICKI: Oh, Doctor! I made my decision. I wanted to stay. Anyway, I wouldn't have anything to go back to.DOCTOR: Yes, your father (Rattle) Show Full Transcript Open in new window