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First aired

Saturday, April 24, 1965

Production Code


Written by

Glyn Jones

Directed by

Mervyn Pinfield


100 minutes

Time Travel


Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)

Rewriting History, Time Loop, Time Travel Pivotal

Inventory (Potential Spoilers!)

Food Replicator, Time-Space Visualiser

Location (Potential Spoilers!)



The TARDIS jumps a time track and the travellers arrive on the planet Xeros. There they discover their own future selves displayed as exhibits in a museum established as a monument to the galactic conquests of the warlike Morok invaders who now rule the planet. When time shifts back to normal, they realise that they must do everything they can to avert this potential future.

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4 Episodes

The Space Museum

First aired

Saturday, April 24, 1965


25 minutes

Written by

Glyn Jones

Directed by

Mervyn Pinfield

UK Viewers

10.5 million

Appreciation Index



The TARDIS arrives on a planet that has been turned into a space museum but the Doctor and his friends are puzzled when they find themselves out of phase with their surroundings.

The Dimensions of Time

First aired

Saturday, May 1, 1965


25 minutes

Written by

Glyn Jones

Directed by

Mervyn Pinfield

UK Viewers

9.2 million

Appreciation Index



Now back on their proper time track, the Doctor and his friends must work to avoid the future they saw for themselves.

The Search

First aired

Saturday, May 8, 1965


25 minutes

Written by

Glyn Jones

Directed by

Mervyn Pinfield

UK Viewers

8.5 million

Appreciation Index



With the Doctor missing, Ian, Barbara and Vicki find themselves in danger from the Moroks while the Xerons also try to make contact with them.

The Final Phase

First aired

Saturday, May 15, 1965


25 minutes

Written by

Glyn Jones

Directed by

Mervyn Pinfield

UK Viewers

8.5 million

Appreciation Index



While Ian tries to force Lobos to release the Doctor from the museum, Vicki joins the Xerons in trying to gain the weapons needed to start a revolution against the occupiers.


How to watch The Space Museum:


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12 reviews

Starts well but soon get a bit of a slog to get through


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Some very early 'timey-wimey' concepts getting explored here in the uncertain space of fate and free will; unfortunately, it never quite gets off the ground, owing in large part to an uninspired main conflict and underwhelming guest cast (they did well enough, but it was difficult to distinguish one Morok from the others, and ditto the Xerons). The first episode was nicely spooky and atmospheric, and the main cast all got a chance to shine (aside, alas, from Barbara), but the latter three episodes were a bit of a slog. I get the idea that this was meant to be a comedy, and there were some legitimately funny moments, but it seemed unwilling to commit to the premise, resulting in a less than satisfactory story. I enjoyed it well enough, but I don't see myself watching it again.


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A lot of People say “An Unearthly Child” starts out amazing and then drops. Well, this is basically it for me. Episode 1 here is stellar and one of the very best from Hartnells Era. Sadly the rest is just very much whatever, some great Ideas and some great Moments, but pretty forgettable in my Eyes. It’s not bad, just very much whatever, and easily the weak spot of a stellar Season 2. A shame, this one had much more potential in my Eyes.


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“- For what purpose are the arms needed ?

- Revolution.”


The Space Museum est absolument brillant. 

L’épisode a certes déjà une rare intelligence dans son rapport au temps. Mais le temps en plus y est carrément politique.  

C’est en effet dans les couloirs d’un empire pourrissant, et face à un futur figé, que Vicki fait le pari d’une révolution joyeuse et radicale, et défie (encore) les tyrans et les salauds.

Non seulement elle incarne toute une jeunesse qui tente de s’émanciper des capitalistes. Mais en plus on voit du coup toute la force et la pertinence de son personnage à une époque où tout est possible. 


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Starts out strongly, and there remains some good parts, but ultimately this serial ends up meandering a little. I like the idea of it though, more than perhaps the execution


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AVG. Rating473 members
3.35 / 5

AVG. Rating433 votes
3.60 / 5

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DOCTOR: The least important things, sometimes, my dear boy, lead to the greatest discoveries.

— First Doctor, The Space Museum

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Transcript Needs checking

Episode One - The Space Museum


(This planet has an array of spaceships on it. The TARDIS materialises, and everybody is wearing their ordinary clothes, not the Crusader ones they had on when they became immobile at the end of the last episode. The Doctor moves first, then Vicki.)

DOCTOR: Oh, lights. Oh, that's better. Ah, good! Well now, we seem to have materialised much quicker than I thought.
IAN: Doctor, we've got our clothes on.
DOCTOR: Well, I should hope so, dear boy. I should hope so.
BARBARA: No, Doctor. Our ordinary, everyday clothes.
DOCTOR: Well, upon my soul, yes. Yes. Now isn't that extraordinary? Yes, we were wearing those cloaks and things, weren't we? Well, I must say, it's going to save us a lot of bother changing. Yes. Now, lets see where we are, shall we?
IAN: Doctor! You can't dismiss it like that! We were standing here in thirteenth century clothes. We can't suddenly
DOCTOR: My dear boy, it's over and done with. Now lets forget it. See where we are. Come along, pay attention.
VICKI: But Doctor, where are the clothes we were wearing?
DOCTOR: I expect, child, they're hanging up where they're supposed to be. If you're that much concerned, go and have a look.
VICKI: All right. I will.
DOCTOR: And on your way back, bring me glass of water please, I'm very parched.
VICKI: Okay.

(Vicki leaves)

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