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Classic Who S15 • Serial 2 · (4 episodes)

The Invisible Enemy

66% 530 votes

First aired Saturday, October 1, 1977
Production Code 4T
Written by Bob Baker Dave Martin
Directed by Derrick Goodwin
Runtime 100 minutes
Time Travel Future
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Disease Miniaturisation

A three-man rocket crew are nearly done with their mission to Titan Base until a course change puts the rocket in the path of a strange cloud in space. By the time they arrive, they have come under the control of a sentient virus which threatens the galaxy. When the TARDIS picks up an emergency message, it flies into the cloud, infecting the Doctor. To save himself and others, he must undertake a dangerous journey.

4 Episodes:

First aired Saturday, October 1, 1977
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Bob Baker Dave Martin
Directed by Derrick Goodwin
UK Viewers 8.6 million


Deep space, 5000AD. An Earth supply shuttle is infected by a strange sentient space-borne virus, which quickly spreads to the crew of the refuelling station on the moon Titan. Even worse, the Doctor himself falls victim. But why is Leela immune, and what is the virus's ultimate goal?

First aired Saturday, October 8, 1977
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Bob Baker Dave Martin
Directed by Derrick Goodwin
UK Viewers 7.3 million


Leela and Lowe take the Doctor to the Bi-Al Foundation for help. But how can they cure an infection of the mind?

First aired Saturday, October 15, 1977
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Bob Baker Dave Martin
Directed by Derrick Goodwin
UK Viewers 7.5 million


Miniaturised clones of the Doctor and Leela are injected into his brain. But they must now fight the virus on its own level. And its servants are closing in around them.

First aired Saturday, October 22, 1977
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Bob Baker Dave Martin
Directed by Derrick Goodwin
UK Viewers 8.3 million
Appreciation Index 60


The Nucleus, now grown to human size, is determined to spawn and take over the Galaxy. Only the Doctor and Leela can stop it.

Signal Strength: 50%

What's this?

Also featuring:

K9 Mark I  The Nucleus of The Swarm