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Classic Who S15 • Serial 6 · (6 episodes)

The Invasion of Time

68% 1,258 votes

First aired Saturday, February 4, 1978
Production Code 4Z
Directed by Gerald Blake
Runtime 150 minutes
Story Type Companion Exit
Time Travel Future
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Breaking the Fourth Wall
Inventory: (Potential Spoilers!) Great Key of Rassilon Coronet of Rassilon
Locations TARDIS Gallifrey

The Doctor returns to Gallifrey, claims his rights and is crowned President. It soon turns out that he has led a group of aliens called Vardans to the planet to eradicate them completely. After they are destroyed, the Sontarans take their opportunity and follow them in their invasion until they are destroyed by the Doctor.

6 Episodes:

First aired Saturday, February 4, 1978
Runtime 25 minutes
Directed by Gerald Blake
UK Viewers 11.2 million
Appreciation Index 56


Gallifrey, world of the Time Lords. The Doctor returns and claims the vacant presidency. But his behaviour is erratic and his motives mysterious.

First aired Saturday, February 11, 1978
Runtime 25 minutes
Directed by Gerald Blake
UK Viewers 11.4 million


The Doctor is made president of the Time Lords. He immediately orders K-9 to lower the planet's defences and has Leela banished to the wilderness.

First aired Saturday, February 18, 1978
Runtime 25 minutes
Directed by Gerald Blake
UK Viewers 9.5 million


The Doctor has betrayed his own people and enabled a Vardan invasion of Gallifrey. Leela joins forces with the Outsiders and prepares to strike back against the aliens.

First aired Saturday, February 25, 1978
Runtime 25 minutes
Directed by Gerald Blake
UK Viewers 0.9 million


The Doctor works to free his planet of the Vardan menace. How can he defeat an enemy who can read his very thoughts? And does their invasion conceal a greater menace?

First aired Saturday, March 4, 1978
Runtime 25 minutes
Directed by Gerald Blake
UK Viewers 10.3 million


The Sontarans have invaded Gallifrey, seeking to seize the incredible power of the Time Lords. The Doctor's first step is to cut them off from their fleet. But Kelner is helping the enemy…

First aired Saturday, March 11, 1978
Runtime 25 minutes
Directed by Gerald Blake
UK Viewers 9.8 million


The Sontarans finally invade the TARDIS itself, seeking the Great Key. The Doctor, however, has other uses for this powerful object…

Signal Strength: 50%

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Also featuring:

Andred  Borusa  K9 Mark I  Commander Stor