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Classic Who S25 • Serial 4 · (4 episodes)

The Greatest Show in the Galaxy

78% 579 votes

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Review of The Greatest Show in the Galaxy by 15thDoctor

Part 1 showed lots of promise. A deluge of different characters who all had purpose and demanded the viewers attention. Parts 2 and 3 floundered about not really knowing what they wanted to be - equal parts tedious and confusing. Then part 4 pleasingly introduced the big bad and we discovered the point of the story again. Out of all the stories in season 25, this is the one that would have most suited being a three parter as it didn’t have anywhere to go in the middle.

Shout out to the character who is a play on a stereotypical Doctor Who fan - that was genius. And well done McCoy for treating us to some genuinely surprising stage magic skills. It’s great to see the extremely rare sight (in classic Who) of one of the key supporting parts going to a black actor - who does a marvelous job. Though I did grow tired of that same, repeating rap flow by the final episode.

Whilst the campiness of season 24 is behind us, they haven’t quite nailed this more mature version of the show. Sylvester and Sophie are, as actors, far and away better than the scripts deserve.

Review last edited on 26-04-24

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Average rating: 78%

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