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First aired

Saturday, December 21, 1963

Production Code


Written by

Terry Nation


175 minutes

Time Travel


Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)

Monster Vision

Inventory (Potential Spoilers!)

Fluid Link, Food Replicator

Location (Potential Spoilers!)



The TARDIS has brought the travellers to the planet Skaro where they meet two indigenous races — the Daleks, malicious mutant creatures encased in armoured travel machines, and the Thals, beautiful humanoids with pacifist principles. They convince the Thals of the need to fight for their own survival.

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7 Episodes

The Dead Planet

First aired

Saturday, December 21, 1963


25 minutes

Written by

Terry Nation

Directed by

Christopher Barry

UK Viewers

6.9 million

Appreciation Index



Time Unknown, Planet Unknown. The TARDIS lands in an eerie petrified forest overlooking a magnificent steel city. The Doctor wants to explore the city – but what is waiting there?

The Survivors

First aired

Saturday, December 28, 1963


25 minutes

Written by

Terry Nation

Directed by

Christopher Barry

UK Viewers

6.4 million

Appreciation Index



The dead planet is not uninhabited after all. The Doctor is about to meet what will become his greatest enemies. And he and his crew are dying of radiation sickness.

The Escape

First aired

Saturday, January 4, 1964


25 minutes

Written by

Terry Nation

Directed by

Richard Martin

UK Viewers

8.9 million

Appreciation Index



Imprisoned on Skaro by the scheming Daleks, the Doctor and his companions work to escape their clutches.

The Ambush

First aired

Saturday, January 11, 1964


25 minutes

Written by

Terry Nation

Directed by

Christopher Barry

UK Viewers

9.9 million

Appreciation Index



The time travellers work desperately to both escape the Dalek city and prevent a bloody massacre.

The Expedition

First aired

Saturday, January 18, 1964


25 minutes

Written by

Terry Nation

Directed by

Christopher Barry

UK Viewers

9.9 million

Appreciation Index



The time travellers have escaped from the Daleks, but left a vital piece of the TARDIS behind. Getting it back will mean pushing the Thals to mount a dangerous operation.

The Ordeal

First aired

Saturday, January 25, 1964


25 minutes

Written by

Terry Nation

Directed by

Richard Martin

UK Viewers

10.4 million

Appreciation Index



Ian, Barbara and the Thals struggle through the caves to reach the Dalek city. Will they get there in time? Is there even a way through the treacherous caves? And what are the Daleks planning?

The Rescue

First aired

Saturday, February 1, 1964


25 minutes

Written by

Terry Nation

Directed by

Richard Martin

UK Viewers

10.4 million

Appreciation Index



Time is running out as the Doctor and his companions try to defeat the Daleks before they wipe out all life on Skaro.


How to watch The Daleks:


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18 reviews

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And here's where it really all began, Doctor Who's first aliens, the first alien world, the introduction of the iconic villians.

Overall, I think it's... yeah no, I think it's good!

I think there's some really great stuff here. First off, as someone who's never really cared to learn anything about the Thals, I found myself surprised by how much I enjoyed them here, their presence really humanises what could otherwise be a very alien story. I think Barbara's growing fondness with one is a highlight of the story too. It's also pretty interesting to compare them with the cavemen of the previous story, both more 'primitive' peoples, one lusting for the power of fire, one where having it all brought them to ruin. One generally acting violently and confrontationally with the TARDIS team, the other trying to help them, before even having met them.

My favourite part of this story however is the start, the building of the atmosphere and dread, landing on a dead planet, finding out that something horrific has clearly happened here and learning more as the group explore, then seeing the magnificent city in the distance. How different the city is and how empty it is at first, with that magnificant cliffhanger, Barbara through the Dalek's eyes. It really is incredible.

Unfortunately, the rest of the serial suffers from the same problem I have with a lot of Classic Who, the story seems to drag a bit for me, and it gets a little repetitive with the TARDIS Team once again being captured multiple times in a single story. I also dont' think this story really needed to be Seven parts (though admittedly, my ADHD doesn't help with that).

It definitely helped that I didn't watch this story all at once for me, and in writing this review, I think I've realised that I like it a lot more reflecting on the whole than I did watching any individual part.

If nothing else, it's a piece of Doctor Who History, and it'll always have a place for being that, the fact it holds up as an solidly entertaining story sixty years on just makes that even more deserved.



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Ah, the fabled introduction of the Daleks. I found this serial entertaining if a bit long. Especially towards the last couple episodes, it felt unnecessarily slow.


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Primeira aparição dos daleks na série, um arco longo 7 episódios mas mesmo sendo longo não fica cansativo, Ian está se tornando um dos meus companions favoritos kkk sempre tomando a iniciativa pra tudo. O Doctor melhorou nesse arco acho que estou muito acostumado com o New who onde o Doctor é um cara mais experiente e quase sempre com o protagonismo nas histórias, quando eu for assistir o clássico tenho que tirar isso da minha mente. Bom tido tudo isso um excelente arco bem superiorior ao anterior personagens melhores,  histórias, cenários. Gostei


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While exciting, this serial did tend to drag at times. However, I am much more accustomed to a 21st century style of filmmaking, so it could just be me taking time to adjust to the more classic format. Still enjoyable, and super fun to see the genesis of the Daleks. Well, their first appearance at least.


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This episode is just too long.

The first 4 (5?) parts are good. But the others… Here we enter the purely science fiction episodes. The first parts, with the Doc and his companions discovering the planet, trying to escape after discovering the terrifying Daleks, are good, but let's say that it could be better.

The rest, it just seems like the producers had no ideas, the writers either, and it happened like this:

"Ok. We don't have any ideas?

- No

- Uh… What was the reason they had to go to the planet?

- The empty but not really empty liquid conductor

- Oh yeah! Ok, let's play that?

- Yeah… Come on!"

It's filler, whatever you WANT as long as it respects the principle of boring. So for the first parts I go up to 8, for the last ones it goes down to 5/10.


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AVG. Rating651 members
3.64 / 5

AVG. Rating2,032 votes
3.70 / 5

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DOCTOR: You wanted advice you said. I never give it, never. But I might just say this to you. Always search for truth. My truth is in the stars and yours is here.

— First Doctor, The Daleks

Transcript Needs checking

Episode One - The Dead Planet


DOCTOR: Well, I suggest before we go outside and explore, let us clean ourselves up.
SUSAN: Oh, yes.
DOCTOR: Now what does the radiation read, Susan?
SUSAN: It's reading normal, Grandfather.

(But after they walk away, the needle goes up into the Danger Zone)


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