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Classic Who S1 • Serial 1 · (4 episodes)

An Unearthly Child

70% 4,722 votes

First aired Saturday, November 23, 1963
Production Code A
Directed by Waris Hussein
Runtime 100 minutes
Time Travel Present Past
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Child Genius Pure Historical Doctor Who?

Barbara Wright and Ian Chesterton, two humble teachers during 1963, are surprised by a bright student named Susan Foreman. Confused by the contradictions in Susan's knowledge, Barbara had decided to visit her home, only to learn that the address on record is a junkyard. She and Ian decide to wait at the location until Susan or her grandfather show up. There, they discover a junkyard inhabited by her grandfather, simply known as "the Doctor".

4 Episodes:

First aired Saturday, November 23, 1963
Runtime 25 minutes
Directed by Waris Hussein
UK Viewers 4.4 million
Appreciation Index 63


After discussing a strange pupil, Susan Foreman, teachers Ian and Barbara follow her to a junkyard. They meet her grandfather, the Doctor, and force their way inside a police box with frightening results.

First aired Saturday, November 30, 1963
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Anthony Coburn
Directed by Waris Hussein
UK Viewers 5.9 million
Appreciation Index 59


The enigmatic Doctor, afraid that schoolteachers Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright will reveal his secrets to the people of 20th century Earth, has taken them and his granddaughter Susan back to the dawn of human history. There, the four travellers are dragged into the savage politics of a tribe of cavemen who have lost the secret of making fire…

First aired Saturday, December 7, 1963
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Anthony Coburn
Directed by Waris Hussein
UK Viewers 6.9 million
Appreciation Index 56


Prisoners of the earliest humans, the TARDIS crew are caught in a deadly power play for leadership of the tribe.

First aired Saturday, December 14, 1963
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Anthony Coburn
Directed by Waris Hussein
UK Viewers 6.4 million
Appreciation Index 55


The TARDIS crew must make fire for the early humans to stay alive. But once they do, they may not be allowed to leave!

Signal Strength: 50%

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