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Classic Who S9 • Serial 2 · (4 episodes)

The Curse of Peladon

76% 704 votes

First aired Saturday, January 29, 1972
Production Code MMM
Written by Brian Hayles
Directed by Lennie Mayne
Runtime 100 minutes
Time Travel Future
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Doctor Who?
Inventory: (Potential Spoilers!) Jeweller’s loupe
Locations Peladon

The Doctor and Jo make a test flight in the TARDIS and arrive on the planet Peladon. Seeking shelter, they enter the citadel of the soon-to-be-crowned King Peladon, where the Doctor is mistaken for a human dignitary summoned to act as chairman of a committee assessing an application by the planet to join the Galactic Federation.

4 Episodes:

First aired Saturday, January 29, 1972
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Brian Hayles
Directed by Lennie Mayne
UK Viewers 10.3 million


The Doctor and Jo arrive on the medieval planet Peladon, where the Doctor is mistaken for the Earth Delegate of the Galactic Federation and Jo is mistaken for a princess.

First aired Saturday, February 5, 1972
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Brian Hayles
Directed by Lennie Mayne
UK Viewers 11 million


The Doctor is convinced the Ice Warriors are trying to sabotage the conference but his attempts to prove it see him accused of sacrilege.

First aired Saturday, February 12, 1972
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Brian Hayles
Directed by Lennie Mayne
UK Viewers 7.8 million


The Doctor is sentenced to fight Grun to the death and his attempt to escape leads to an encounter with Aggedor.

First aired Saturday, February 19, 1972
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Brian Hayles
Directed by Lennie Mayne
UK Viewers 8.4 million


Hepesh's plan has been exposed but he is still determined to prevent Peladon joining the Galactic Federation by leading a rebellion against the King.

Signal Strength: 50%

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Also featuring:

Peladon of Peladon  Aggedor