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Classic Who S9 • Serial 3 · (6 episodes)

The Sea Devils

76% 843 votes

First aired Saturday, February 26, 1972
Production Code LLL
Written by Malcolm Hulke
Directed by Michael E. Briant
Runtime 150 minutes
Time Travel Present
Inventory: (Potential Spoilers!) Sonic Screwdriver

The Doctor and Jo visit the Master in his high-security prison on an island off the south coast of England. The governor, Colonel Trenchard, says ships have been disappearing mysteriously at sea. The Doctor discovers that Trenchard and the Master are in league to contact the Sea Devils, a race of reptiles in hibernation in a base beneath the sea, who have been awoken by recent work on a nearby sea fort. The Master intends to use his new allies to help him conquer the world.

6 Episodes:

First aired Saturday, February 26, 1972
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Malcolm Hulke
Directed by Michael E. Briant
UK Viewers 6.4 million


The Doctor and Jo visit the Master at his island prison where the Doctor becomes curious about a number of ships sinking in the area.

First aired Saturday, March 4, 1972
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Malcolm Hulke
Directed by Michael E. Briant
UK Viewers 9.7 million


The Doctor and Jo are trapped on the fort by a Sea Devil while the Master convinces Trenchard to help him steal some electronic components.

First aired Saturday, March 11, 1972
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Malcolm Hulke
Directed by Michael E. Briant
UK Viewers 8.3 million


The Doctor is held prisoner by Trenchard while the Master attempts to contact the Sea Devils.

First aired Saturday, March 18, 1972
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Malcolm Hulke
Directed by Michael E. Briant
UK Viewers 7.8 million


The Sea Devils attack the island prison and rescue the Master, prompting the Doctor to venture underwater to try and contact them.

First aired Saturday, March 25, 1972
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Malcolm Hulke
Directed by Michael E. Briant
UK Viewers 8.3 million


The Doctor is taken to the Sea Devils' underwater colony where he tries to make peace with the creatures, only for the navy to attack the base.

First aired Saturday, April 1, 1972
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Malcolm Hulke
Directed by Michael E. Briant
UK Viewers 8.5 million


The Sea Devils take over the naval base and the Doctor is forced to help the Master find a way to revive their colony.

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