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The Churchill Years Volume 1 • Episode 4

The Chartwell Metamorphosis

58% 30 votes

Released Thursday, January 14, 2016
Written by Ken Bentley
Narrated by Ian McNeice
Runtime 60 minutes
Time Travel Past
Locations Chartwell England Earth
Historical Characters Winston Churchill

Comfortably retired to his home at Chartwell, Churchill plans to live out his days in peace, in the company of his butterflies — if his attendants would just leave him alone.

But it isn't simply Lepidoptera breeding in the gardens, as a far more sinister species is about to emerge from its cocoon — and is ready to feast on something more than just the shrubberies.

Surrounded on all sides, the former Prime Minister must put a life's worth of experience into action in order to win the day. Can his new nurse Lily Arwell offer her assistance?

Signal Strength: 40%

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Also featuring:

Winston Churchill  Lily Arwell