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The Churchill Years Volume 1 • Episode 3

Living History

72% 39 votes

Released Thursday, January 14, 2016
Written by Justin Richards
Narrated by Ian McNeice
Runtime 60 minutes
Time Travel Past
Locations England
Historical Characters Winston Churchill The Romans

Finally given the chance to travel in the TARDIS, Winston Churchill cannot resist the opportunity of meeting Julius Caesar. But the trip does not go quite as planned. With the TARDIS gone, and Churchill stranded in ancient Britain with a young man he barely knows and who comes from the future, it seems things can hardly get any worse.

Until he is captured by the invading Romans.

Still, at least that means Churchill will meet Julius Caesar after all. But then Churchill learns of the Bronze God, feared and worshipped by the Ancient Britons. A god that he recognises as anything but divine when he meets it.

Signal Strength: 40%

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Also featuring:

Winston Churchill  Kazran Sardick