Stories Television Doctor Who Season 1 Classic Who S1 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The Aztecs 1 image Overview Episodes Characters How to Watch Reviews 15 Statistics Related Stories Quotes 4 Transcript Overview First aired Saturday, May 23, 1964 Production Code F Written by John Lucarotti Directed by John Crockett Runtime 100 minutes Time Travel Past Tropes (Potential Spoilers!) Breaking the Fourth Wall, Mistaken Identity, Pure Historical, Rewriting History, Romance Location (Potential Spoilers!) Earth, Mexico Synopsis The arrival of the TARDIS in 15th century Mexico leads the crew to encounter the doomed Aztec people, a mixture of high culture and brutal savagery. Matters are further complicated when Barbara is mistaken for a god and the Doctor becomes engaged to be married. Watch Watched Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save 4 Episodes The Temple of Evil First aired Saturday, May 23, 1964 Runtime 25 minutes Written by John Lucarotti Directed by John Crockett UK Viewers 7.4 million Appreciation Index 62 Synopsis The TARDIS arrives on Earth landing in 16th century Aztec society. Barbara goes off exploring - despite the Doctor's orders not to wander off - and is taken away by the high priest Autloc who believes she is the reincarnation of the goddess Yetaxa. They believe it is a sign that the rains - which are late - will now come. The high priest of sacrifice Tlotoxl recruits Ian to lead their army but he finds he has a rival in Ixta. Ian is less than comfortable with his role when he learns that they are to deliver the human sacrifice to the high priest at the rain ceremony. The Doctor emphasizes that they must not interfere with Aztec rituals, something that does not sit well with Barbara. The Warriors of Death First aired Saturday, May 30, 1964 Runtime 25 minutes Written by John Lucarotti Directed by John Crockett UK Viewers 7.4 million Appreciation Index 62 Synopsis Barbara tries to change the course of history - and Ian fights for his life. The Bride of Sacrifice First aired Saturday, June 6, 1964 Runtime 25 minutes Written by John Lucarotti Directed by John Crockett UK Viewers 7.9 million Appreciation Index 57 Synopsis While the Doctor tries to find a way back to the TARDIS, Tlotoxl continues to plot Barbara's downfall and sees an opening when Susan questions Aztec custom. The Day of Darkness First aired Saturday, June 13, 1964 Runtime 25 minutes Written by John Lucarotti Directed by John Crockett UK Viewers 7.4 million Appreciation Index 58 Synopsis Tlotoxl's machinations result in both Susan and Ian being arrested. With the TARDIS once again trapped inside the tomb, the travellers' only hope for escape lies with Autloc and Cameca. Show All Episodes Characters First Doctor William Hartnell Susan Carole Ann Ford Barbara Wright Jacqueline Hill Ian Chesterton William Russell Tlotoxl First Appearance Cameca First Appearance Autloc First Appearance Ixta First Appearance Show All Characters (8) How to watch The Aztecs: Watch on iPlayer DVD The Aztecs VHS The Aztecs (VHS) Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 15 reviews 10 January 2025 · 154 words Review by Pandhawk Spoilers This review contains spoilers! The very good arcs follow one another, as evidenced by The Aztecs. In addition to being fairly faithful to reality (at least, what was thought of it in the 60s), we have here for the first time the idea of HAVING to not change the course of events, with a Barbara as ashamed of "corrupting" a man who believes in her, who has confidence, just for her own will, but also and above all disconcerted by not being able to help this civilization which is according to her too primitive. She realizes in certain points what the Doctor feels when them sees us, poor primitive humans according to him. I also like the idea of this search for an episode almost exclusively focused on Barbara: Ian fights people, okay, but in the end, everything is brought back to Barbara, and in such a logical way that the episode becomes very good. Really, episode in 6/10. Pandhawk View profile Like Liked 0 18 December 2024 · 33 words Review by JacknotHarkness I think Barbara's white savior-plot was very annoying to watch. But it's very funny that this was balanced out by a B plot of the Doctor getting cozy with a random old woman JacknotHarkness View profile Like Liked 0 16 December 2024 · 280 words Review by lizshaw Spoilers 3 This review contains spoilers! i thought this was going to subvert expectations and show that even if aztec culture had some bad elements, there were mostly positives and people enjoyed their lives. i think that was what they thought they were going for but instead it was too focused on how evil and primative and barabaric these non-europeans are for having human sacrifices and physical punishments, as if europe at this time also didnt. barbara is incredibly white saviour-y; she thinks the spanish wiped out the aztecs and burned all their records because of the human sacrifices and not out of a desire for conquest and riches and power. its also notable how the one person who is presented as reasonable and against the human sacrifices, the high priest of knowledge is explictly stated to be some different and unlike the rest and the rest would never change their evillll ways. there is stuff to like though - i like that we get to see the doctor fail and make mistakes, like almost getting ian killed with the poison and accidently getting engaged. its fun when the doctor isn't always right. and him and cameca are actually really cute together i think theyre a good fit. would be nice if she could have become a companion! i dont even know why tlotoxl is a villain and we are meant to dislike him - barbara is a false goddess and she is legitimately trying to destroy his culture. also i think they purposefully made him up to visually look the most different and 'savage' so the audience would dislike him more. just a lot of racist stuff and only really good for doctor character stuff lizshaw View profile Like Liked 3 15 December 2024 · 188 words Review by RandomJoke Spoilers 2 This review contains spoilers! While I greatly enjoyed most of the Episodes we got in this Season, I don't believe there were that many 11/10 Stories for me (surprisingly, since I am big on the Hartnell era). Marco Polo as great as it is, but suffers from being missing, thankfully this is still completed and what a watch! Jaqueline Hill plays the role of Barbara already superb, but this one is a great showcase for her Character. At times I find myself having only minor issues, sadly Susan gets the short stick again and her “Subplot” isn’t very interested. The other leads get a lot of great things to do. Especially the idea of the Doctor accidentally getting engaged is entertaining and actually does work pretty well I must say. A true treat for any pure historical fans filled with a good sense of action and humor! Easily one of the crown jewels of this season, not sure if I prefer this or Marco Polo (as much as I love the latter, it can suffer from its pace a slight bit, this one is paced perfectly with 4 Episodes, no complaints on here. RandomJoke View profile Like Liked 2 23 September 2024 · 74 words Review by greenLetterT Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! The pacing is solid and I like that Barbara gets her chance to be the focus of a serial, but the plot is steeped in 60s white-saviourism. It's written by someone who I think did want to represent the Aztecs well and had a lot of respect for (or at least interest in) the culture, but it's overshadowed by the message being "these people will always be bloodthirsty savages and you can't change that" greenLetterT View profile Like Liked 1 Show All Reviews (15) Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating539 members 3.90 / 5 AVG. Rating634 votes 3.67 / 5 Member Statistics Watched 945 Favourited 127 Reviewed 15 Saved 3 Skipped 0 Owned 22 Related Stories The Blogs of Doom Tlotoxl Rating: ??? Story Skipped Short Story More Actions View Sets Close Related Sets Set of Stories: The Blogs of Doom Add Review Edit Review Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Save to my list Saved Other adaptations of this story: We define an adaptation as a recreation of a similar story but on a different medium or with different characters. Target Collection Doctor Who: The Aztecs Rating: 3.70 Story Skipped Book Reviews(1) More Actions View Sets Close Related Sets Set of Stories: Target Collection Add Review Edit Review Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Save to my list Saved Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: But you can't rewrite history! Not one line! — First Doctor, The Aztecs Show All Quotes (4) Open in new window Transcript Needs checking Episode One - The Temple of Evil [Tomb] (The TARDIS has landed inside a tomb chamber. There is a table upon which a corpse is laid out in all his jeweled finery) BARBARA: Look at that.SUSAN: I am.BARBARA: It's an Aztec mask. He must have been a priest.SUSAN: Well, the Aztecs were Mexicans. We must be on Earth again. I wonder what year it is.BARBARA: He must have died around 1430, I should think.SUSAN: How do you know that?BARBARA: All these things belong to the Aztec's early period.SUSAN: That's what I call really knowing your subject.BARBARA: Ah, well, that was one of my specialties, Susan. (She puts on an arm band) Show Full Transcript Open in new window