Stories Television Doctor Who Season 3 Classic Who S3 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 The Ark 1 image Overview Episodes Characters How to Watch Reviews 13 Statistics Related Stories Quotes 8 Transcript Overview First aired Saturday, March 5, 1966 Production Code X Written by Lesley Scott, Paul Erickson Directed by Michael Imison Runtime 100 minutes Time Travel Future Tropes (Potential Spoilers!) Consequences, Disease, Human Colony, Miniaturisation, Sign Language, Time Travel Pivotal Location (Potential Spoilers!) Refusis II, Space, The Ark Synopsis The Doctor and his companions Steven Taylor and Dodo Chaplet arrive some ten million years into the future, on board a generation starship which is carrying the last of humanity away from an Earth that is about to fall into the Sun. However, the cold that Dodo has could prove devastating to these future humans and their servants, the Monoids. Watch Watched Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save 4 Episodes The Steel Sky First aired Saturday, March 5, 1966 Runtime 25 minutes Written by Paul Erickson Lesley Scott Directed by Michael Imison UK Viewers 5.5 million Appreciation Index 55 Synopsis The Doctor, Steven and Dodo arrive on a giant spaceship millions of years in the future, transporting the last humans away from the doomed Earth. The Plague First aired Saturday, March 12, 1966 Runtime 25 minutes Written by Paul Erickson Lesley Scott Directed by Michael Imison UK Viewers 6.9 million Appreciation Index 56 Synopsis With the Ark infected with a cold virus, the Doctor must convince the Guardians to trust him so he can find a cure. The Return First aired Saturday, March 19, 1966 Runtime 25 minutes Written by Paul Erickson Lesley Scott Directed by Michael Imison UK Viewers 6.2 million Appreciation Index 51 Synopsis The Doctor, Steven and Dodo have travelled 700 years into the future and find that the Ark is now under the control of the Monoids as it approaches Refusis. The Bomb First aired Saturday, March 26, 1966 Runtime 25 minutes Written by Paul Erickson Lesley Scott Directed by Michael Imison UK Viewers 7.3 million Appreciation Index 50 Synopsis The Monoids abandon the Ark, leaving Steven and the Guardians to die, but a mutiny in their ranks may give the Doctor a chance to bring about peace. Show All Episodes Characters First Doctor William Hartnell Steven Taylor Peter Purves Dodo Chaplet Jackie Lane Monoids First Appearance Refusians Show All Characters (5) How to watch The Ark: Watch on iPlayer DVD The Ark VHS The Ark (VHS) Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 13 reviews 11 March 2025 · 10 words Review by Scottybguud A so so story. Parts 3 and 4 being the better half Scottybguud View profile Like Liked 0 4 February 2025 · 327 words Review by lizshaw Spoilers This review contains spoilers! i think this is a really interesting story. i think hartnells era is really good at having more fast paced episodes - you think earlier ones would be slower! but they often split the serials up into mini stories and that is exactly what happens here. the first 2 parts are about the guardians having control over the monoids and the second 2 parts are about the opposite, set 700 years later. it is really neat. this could ever be revisted now to see how they have settled on refusius. i wonder if this was isnpired by the time machine bc the 2 different races as different classes is very similar. i think the monoids were right to rise up in a sense because they had been treated shittily. there never was a chance for any other intelligent life to evolve on earth beacuse humans would quash it or use it as slaves and hinder its development and if they still managed to get to our level we would want to systematically discriminaite. its sad to think about. i wonder if anywhere there is a planet with two distinct intelligent life forms like this. i think another thing this story reminded me of is the peasant revolt after the black death, and what if that had been successful continually? and in that case you do support the peasants. though there were probably always the same number roughly of guardians and monoids. i wonder how the guardian descended feelon the new planet, if they get preferential treatment. this also lines up very well with the end of the world from nuwhos series 1. i like dodo so much in this her knight outfit is super super cute! steven is idk. i dont feel a lot about his character - i guess i havent seen him in many stories overall. the way the reveal the statue having been turned into a monoid was very cool. would be interesting to do a full themes analysis lizshaw View profile Like Liked 0 13 January 2025 · 188 words Review by RandomJoke Spoilers 2 This review contains spoilers! I like this one! This one was quite the bold move and a slight departure from the much darker execution of the last two, despite this being equally a very dark Story in places. It’s not as good as either of the previous two, but it’s really excellent. The first Part being all about a simple cold which is spreading rapidly is a fascinating dark Idea for Who to handle. Maybe not as interesting as it could be, but for the two parts where this is the Focus, I rather enjoyed myself. And of course having the second Episode have that Cliffhanger was brilliant really. The second Half of this Story is a bit lesser for me. I really like the Design of the Monoids, such a really splendid design. And of course the Production, as it is, is really well-made and feels rich, they even got an Elephant for this Serial!! And maybe a Hot Take, but I really enjoy Lane’s Dodo here, she isn’t really a deep Character at all, but such a fun presence here, definitely one of her better Outings. RandomJoke View profile Like Liked 2 13 January 2025 · 789 words Review by MrColdStream Spoilers 3 This review contains spoilers! Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time! “The Ark: A Tale of Two Halves, Timey-Wimey Twists, and Space-Covid Chaos” The Ark stands as an intriguing blend of science fiction concepts, socio-political allegory, and a dash of comedic charm. While uneven in its execution, the story's dual-structured narrative and unique setting offer a compelling (if not entirely satisfying) classic Doctor Who adventure. The Premise: Humanity's Great Escape and an Unforeseen Twist The TARDIS crew lands on an interstellar ark, humanity’s last hope as the remnants of Earth journey to a new planet. The early episodes establish the ark as a marvel of scale and ambition, with Earth’s human and Monoid inhabitants coexisting as masters and servants. A simple but effective twist occurs when Dodo inadvertently spreads a common cold—deadly to a population without immunity. However, the most striking narrative shift comes in the second half, where the TARDIS returns to the ark centuries later. The Monoids, now oppressive rulers, have overthrown their human counterparts. This unexpected time jump cleverly examines the unintended consequences of the TARDIS crew’s earlier actions, showcasing the ripple effects of time travel—a theme rarely explored in early Doctor Who. Strengths: Ambition, Atmosphere, and an Unforgettable Cliffhanger The standout aspect of The Ark is its bold structure. The transition from a survival tale to a political allegory about oppression and rebellion elevates the narrative. The cliffhanger at the end of Part Two—revealing a Monoid statue where a human one once stood—is one of the Hartnell era’s most memorable moments, epitomising the story’s theme of change across time. Director Michael Imison deserves praise for his innovative use of forced perspective and miniatures, creating an impressive sense of scale on a limited budget. The ark’s interiors feel expansive and lived-in, while the lush jungle-like opening sequence sets a compelling mood. Peter Purves (Steven) delivers a solid performance, particularly during the trial scene in Part Two, where his character’s intelligence and resolve shine. Jackie Lane’s Dodo, while divisive, brings energy and confidence to the story—even if her overconfidence occasionally grates. Weaknesses: Underdeveloped Ideas and Mediocre Execution Despite its ambition, The Ark falters in its execution. Many of its sci-fi concepts—miniaturised humans, a deadly virus, invisible aliens—are tantalising but underexplored. The Refusians, for instance, are intriguing as invisible beings but ultimately feel more like a plot device than a fully realised element of the story. The Monoids, while conceptually interesting, are hampered by unconvincing design and inconsistent characterisation. Their transformation from mute servants to verbose tyrants is compelling in theory but falls flat due to wooden dialogue and lacklustre performances. Monoid One, the story’s main antagonist, is one of the least memorable villains of the Hartnell era, relying on staccato acting and clichéd power-hungry motives. The pacing, while brisk overall, stumbles in the final act. The bomb subplot, introduced as a ticking-clock dilemma, fails to generate the urgency it requires, leading to an anticlimactic conclusion. Themes: Consequence and Coexistence The Ark shines in its exploration of the consequences of time travel and the fragile dynamics of coexistence. The story’s moral—how the oppressed can become oppressors—is a timeless allegory that resonates beyond the confines of its era. However, these themes are often overshadowed by the story’s uneven tone and lack of depth in its secondary characters. Performances and Production William Hartnell is back to his familiar form, delivering a mix of charm, frustration, and occasional line flubs. His Doctor’s confusion over the TARDIS rematerialising in the same place—a rarity in the series—adds a touch of humour and showcases his resourcefulness when faced with a trial or scientific challenge. Special credit goes to the production team for their ambitious design work. The ark’s sets and the decision to use a real elephant (even at the cost of the director’s job) lend the story a sense of grandeur. 📝Verdict: 68/100 The Ark is a bold experiment in storytelling, with its dual-structured narrative and thought-provoking themes setting it apart from other Hartnell-era tales. However, its underdeveloped ideas, lacklustre villains, and uneven pacing hold it back from greatness. Random Observations: Well, I love that the Doctor finally admits that he can’t get his companions home even if he wanted to—it took him almost three whole seasons to realise this. A shout out to Michael Shear, who makes his Doctor Who debut as Rhos in this story. He would later return in a more prominent guest role as Scarman in Pyramids of Mars and as Lowe in The Invisible Enemy—and he’d also appear in the Big Finish audio The Stones of Venice alongside Paul McGann. MrColdStream View profile Like Liked 3 3 January 2025 · 85 words Review by greenLetterT Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! I'm mad that this, with all episodes intact, is one of the most complete s3 serials because it's so. nothing. The plot doesn't quite manage to do anything it tries to, and whilst the design of the Monoids is interesting when taken along with the storyline it lends it this whole racially charged implications. So the humans can own slaves and that's not going to be commented on, but when the slaves rise up, suddenly the humans have to be helped to overthrow their masters? greenLetterT View profile Like Liked 1 Show All Reviews (13) Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating415 members 3.20 / 5 AVG. Rating322 votes 3.57 / 5 Member Statistics Watched 765 Favourited 36 Reviewed 13 Saved 3 Skipped 1 Related Stories Bernice Summerfield S6 • Episode 2 The Kingdom of the Blind Rating: 3.59 Story Skipped Audio Drama Reviews(1) More Actions View Sets Close Related Sets Set of Stories: Bernice Summerfield Add Review Edit Review Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Save to my list Saved Other adaptations of this story: We define an adaptation as a recreation of a similar story but on a different medium or with different characters. Target Collection Doctor Who: The Ark Rating: 3.40 Story Skipped Book More Actions View Sets Close Related Sets Set of Stories: Target Collection Add Review Edit Review Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Save to my list Saved Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite ZENTOS: Doctor, for the fact that I mistrusted you, misjudged you, I'm sorry. DOCTOR: Remember your journey is very important, young man, therefore you must travel with understanding as well as hope. Goodbye, Zentos. ZENTOS: Goodbye Doctor. — The Ark Show All Quotes (8) Open in new window Transcript Needs checking Episode One - The Steel Sky [Jungle] (A strange humanoid with a thick head of hair and single eye where our mouth is, is walking along carefully. The TARDIS materialises and new girl Dodo Chaplet dashes out, wearing a crusades style tabard. She sneezes. Steven follows her.) STEVEN: Just where do you think you're going?DODO: Out.STEVEN: Out?DODO: Yes, I thought I'd get some fresh air. Somebody opened the door andSTEVEN: But nobody said you could go out.DODO: Do they have to then?STEVEN: Well, of course they do. (Dodo is walking away.) Show Full Transcript Open in new window