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First aired

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Written by

Russell T Davies

Directed by

Julie Anne Robinson


49 minutes

Time Travel

Past, Future

Story Arc (Potential Spoilers!)

Susan Twist, Ruby's mother

Inventory (Potential Spoilers!)

TARDIS key, Sonic Screwdriver

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Wyoming, Earth, Space, USA

UK Viewers

4.01 million

Appreciation Index



Ruby learns the Doctor's amazing secrets when he takes her to the far future. There, they find a baby farm run by babies. But can they be saved from the terrifying bogeyman?

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27 reviews

I genuinely LOVED this episode. I had a massive smile across my face the entire time. So so so much fun.



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I like the concept of Space Babies but when they are talking to the babies it feels weird but I can let that slide for this one. The plot was okay and the Bogeyman was good. Joselyn is a good character. For me it's the worst episode of season 1.


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I don't want to be overly harsh, but I just could not get into this story. I know Doctor Who frequently strays into absurdity, and I don't think the titular space babies inherently have to be bad, but I just was not fond of the execution for how they were portrayed, and was not super interested in the story and conflict at large.


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An overhated story in my mind! The babies did not feel creepy at all to me. The ship farting itself to safety is really dumb, but I think this story actually shows some of the core traits of who the Doctor is when he risks his life to save the ultimately innocent boogeyman. I think it does a good job in showing who the Doctor is, but clearly the baby idea was too wild for some people.


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Reflecting on this Episode, Eh.
Do I see it as the weakest Series/Season (personally speaking)? No.
Is it THAT different compared to an RTD Opener like New Earth (in my Eyes)? No.
Do I like it? Also, no.
I think there are a lot of Issues in that Episode. The Farting Humor is just something I don’t think ever works in Who. Who can deal with Comedy quite well, that said this kind of Humor leaves me personally very cold and feels jarring. The Babies and their Effect don’t quite work in Live Action and there will be always something offputting of their Mouth. There is a lot of Exposition at the Beginning, which fair but almost feels like we are checking a Checklist, Exposition doesn’t have to feel like that. And there are a few other Things, which just don’t work for me.
I think in many ways it falls in the same issues that a lot of the campy/silly RTD penned Scripts do. And that’s honestly a personal Thing really, Who can and should be silly at times. That said, I find RTD kinda goes a bit over the board with it when he does it, like here where the constant Mention of the Title feels like a humorous Attempt to make a Point how self-aware they are about the absurd Concept. This by itself isn’t a bad Thing, but the amount it’s done can quite be annoying.
That is not to say all of it is bad, Ncuti, Millie and a lot of the other Cast Members do a good Job in their Performance. Millie’s Make-Up for the Butterfly Effect is quite nicely done. I appreciate the Ambition of this absurd Concept, which while I don’t think is quite suited to Live Action. And the Bogeyman has quite a nice Design. There are also some lovely Scenes like 15’s and Poppy’s Exchange for example.

Overall, it’s not the worst of this Era (in my personal Opinion), but it lefts a lot to desire. Some wonderful Things can be found here, but I think the bad Things do kinda brought it down for me.

Still, I am glad to see there were quite a few People who enjoy this Story!


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AVG. Rating810 members
2.64 / 5

AVG. Rating721 votes
2.97 / 5

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RUBY: But hold on. I can't call you Doctor. No, I want to know your name.

DOCTOR: Yeah, that's er... that's tricky, because I was adopted, and the planet that took me in, they were kind of... they were kind of posh. They'd use titles like the Doctor, or the Bishop, or the Rani, or the Conquistador. Say Doctor for a thousand years and it becomes my name.

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Transcript + Script


(Ruby has walked into the unlocked TARDIS at the end of The Church on Ruby Road.)

RUBY: Who are you?
DOCTOR: I'm the Doctor. You don't have to stand over there. Come and have a look. It's called the TARDIS.

(Snaps his fingers and the lighting changes.)

RUBY: Ooo! Nice! But hold on. I can't call you Doctor. No, I want to know your name.
DOCTOR: Yeah, that's er... that's tricky, because I was adopted, and the planet that took me in, they were kind of... they were kind of posh. They'd use titles like the Doctor, or the Bishop, or the Rani, or the Conquistador. Say Doctor for a thousand years and it becomes my name.
RUBY: Okay. The planet. Parking that. Thousand years, double parked. So you're a doctor, but you're... the police?
DOCTOR: Police box. No. No, no, no, no, that's a disguise.
DOCTOR: Inside, it's a Time and Space machine, but outside, it's like a chameleon, 'cos once I landed in 1963 and they used to have police boxes on street corners.
RUBY: 1963?
RUBY: Okay. Ooo, jukebox. I like that.
RUBY: Okay, so, back to the planet.
DOCTOR: My world was called Gallifrey.
RUBY: Gallifrey? And where's that?
DOCTOR: Gone! Ruby, it's gone. It's gone. They died. There was a genocide, and they died. So the one that was adopted was the only one left. I am the last of the Time Lords. And I am so, so glad to be alive. This thing flies. Do you want to see?

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