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Classic Who S20 • Serial 3 · (4 episodes)

Mawdryn Undead

72% 1,039 votes

First aired Tuesday, February 1, 1983
Production Code 6F
Written by Peter Grimwade
Directed by Peter Moffatt
Runtime 100 minutes
Time Travel Present Past
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Reverse the polarity Time Travel Pivotal

A warp ellipse draws the TARDIS off course. The Fifth Doctor's companions are separated from him not in space, but in time, and he has to deal with a treacherous schoolboy named Turlough. But why does the Doctor's old friend, the Brigadier, not remember him at all?

4 Episodes:

First aired Tuesday, February 1, 1983
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Peter Grimwade
Directed by Peter Moffatt
UK Viewers 6.5 million
Appreciation Index 67


The Doctor discovers a starship trapped in a time warp over Earth. Meanwhile, public schoolboy - and secret alien émigré, Turlough, learns he can have that which he most desires, in return for the murder of the Doctor...

First aired Wednesday, February 2, 1983
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Peter Grimwade
Directed by Peter Moffatt
UK Viewers 7.5 million
Appreciation Index 70


The TARDIS lands on Earth six years out of date, stranding the Doctor in 1983 while leaving Tegan and Nyssa to look for him in 1977. Both parties also encounter former companion, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, though curiously, he has no memory of the Doctor at all.

First aired Tuesday, February 8, 1983
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Peter Grimwade
Directed by Peter Moffatt
UK Viewers 7.4 million
Appreciation Index 67


Mawdryn and his eternal mutants reveal the truth: they are exiles, they are in pain and need the Doctor's future 'lives', as afforded by each of his remaining regenerations.

First aired Wednesday, February 9, 1983
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Peter Grimwade
Directed by Peter Moffatt
UK Viewers 7.7 million
Appreciation Index 68


As the Doctor's ethics are challenged and the two Brigadiers finally meet, Turlough plots with the Black Guardian to bring the Time Lord down once and for all...

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