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Classic Who S20 • Serial 5 · (4 episodes)


76% 1,024 votes

First aired Tuesday, March 1, 1983
Production Code 6H
Written by Barbara Clegg
Directed by Fiona Cumming
Runtime 100 minutes
Time Travel Future
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Breaking the Fourth Wall Pirates

Materialising on an Edwardian sailing yacht in space, the Fifth Doctor and his companions Tegan and Turlough find themselves caught up in a mysterious and deadly race. The prize is Enlightenment - the wisdom to find your heart's desire - and it quickly becomes clear that one of the crews will let nothing and no-one stop them claiming victory.

As the Black Guardian pressures Turlough to complete his side of their murderous pact, it seems that the Doctor may not survive to cross the finish line...

4 Episodes:

First aired Tuesday, March 1, 1983
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Barbara Clegg
Directed by Fiona Cumming
UK Viewers 6.6 million
Appreciation Index 67


After receiving a warning from the White Guardian, the Doctor initially believes the TARDIS has landed aboard an Edwardian clipper ship - but all is not as it seems. While the time travellers are caught up in the omnipotent Eternals' race for the ultimate prize, the Black Guardian's scheme to destroy the Doctor enters the end-game - but which side is Turlough a pawn of?

First aired Wednesday, March 2, 1983
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Barbara Clegg
Directed by Fiona Cumming
UK Viewers 7.2 million
Appreciation Index 65


Captain Striker and his officers reveal themselves to be Eternals, mind-reading creatures who live outside of time and who require Ephemerals (humans and other "time dwellers") to relieve them of their emptiness. They race against other Eternals for the grand prize of Enlightenment, by which to grant their deepest wishes. That can't be good for the universe, but how can the Doctor strategise against beings adept at reading his every thought?

First aired Tuesday, March 8, 1983
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Barbara Clegg
Directed by Fiona Cumming
UK Viewers 6.2 million
Appreciation Index 68


Turlough's panic puts him aboard a pirate ship where Captain Wrack uses his presence to invite all the other captains over for dinner. She's been picking off a few of her greatest rivals in the race and now sees an opportunity to clear the field once and for all and become the clear winner.

First aired Wednesday, March 9, 1983
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Barbara Clegg
Directed by Fiona Cumming
UK Viewers 7.3 million
Appreciation Index 70


Tegan isn't aware she been outfitted with a device to destroy Captain Striker's ship. While the detonation will merely slip the indestructible Eternals back into the realm of eternity, nothing nearly so elegant or as tidy awaits the Ephemerals aboard the ship.

Signal Strength: 30%

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Also featuring:

Eternals  Captain Wrack