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Doctor Who Magazine Comics

Hunters of the Burning Stone

4.81/ 5 8 votes

Released Thursday, January 10, 2013
Written by Scott Gray
Publisher Panini Comics
Artist David A Roach
Colourist James Offredi
Letterer Roger Langridge
Pages 48
Time Travel Past Present
Locations Cornucopia Earth

Hunters of the Burning Stone was a Doctor Who Magazine comic story released in 2013, starting in issue 456, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who, with the surprise return of First Doctor companions Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright also marking the occasion. The story itself was a direct sequel to the first serial story of Doctor Who, An Unearthly Child, explaining what happened to the Tribe of Gum after the TARDIS team left them. It was voted by Doctor Who fans as being the best comic of 2013 in DWM 479.

Ratings are from TARDIS Guide members only.

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