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Classic Who S8 • Serial 4 · (6 episodes)

Colony in Space

68% 743 votes

First aired Saturday, April 10, 1971
Production Code HHH
Written by Malcolm Hulke
Directed by Michael E. Briant
Runtime 150 minutes
Time Travel Present Future
Inventory: (Potential Spoilers!) Sonic Screwdriver Jeweller’s loupe
Locations Uxarieus

The Time Lords discover that the Master has stolen their secret file on the Doomsday Weapon. They grant the Doctor a temporary reprieve from his exile on Earth to deal with the crisis. He and Jo arrive on the planet Uxarieus and become enmeshed in a struggle between an agrarian colony and a powerful mining corporation.

6 Episodes:

First aired Saturday, April 10, 1971
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Malcolm Hulke
Directed by Michael E. Briant
UK Viewers 7.6 million


The Time Lords take control of the TARDIS and the Doctor and Jo arrive on an Earth Colony in the 25th century, where a ruthless mining company are using a dinosaur-like creature to force the colonists to leave the planet.

First aired Saturday, April 17, 1971
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Malcolm Hulke
Directed by Michael E. Briant
UK Viewers 8.5 million


The Doctor discovers an Interplanetary Mining Corporation ship has landed on the planet in order to mine its duralinium, while Norton begins causing trouble at the colony.

First aired Saturday, April 24, 1971
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Malcolm Hulke
Directed by Michael E. Briant
UK Viewers 9.5 million


The Doctor makes it back to the colony and warns Ashe what Dent is up to but when Jo and Winton try to find proof they are captured.

First aired Saturday, May 1, 1971
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Malcolm Hulke
Directed by Michael E. Briant
UK Viewers 8.1 million


The Doctor descends into the Primitive city to try and find Jo while the colonists receive a visit from the Adjudicator.

First aired Saturday, May 8, 1971
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Malcolm Hulke
Directed by Michael E. Briant
UK Viewers 8.8 million


The Master offers to help the colonists in exchange for information on the Primitive city and forces the Doctor to act as a guide by taking Jo hostage.

First aired Saturday, May 15, 1971
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Malcolm Hulke
Directed by Michael E. Briant
UK Viewers 8.7 million


The Doctor and the Master are taken into the Primitive city, where the Master hopes to find the doomsday weapon, while Dent forces the colonists to leave the planet even though their ship is likely to explode.

Signal Strength: 50%

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Also featuring:

Pandad IV  Adelphi  Socra  Uxariean